What's your seclusion sustenance strategy?

No change here really. Not much home grown as we live rented. Just buying what we can find that looks good at the supermarket or green grocer. Fortunately we have 2 competing big chains and a relatively cheap green grocer in the local center with not too many people if you shop at the right time.
We even have a cheap poultry shop so taking a chicken or duck and roast it then when finished baste it in a mix of hoi sin sauce, Chinese five spice and honey is always a good meal.
Still working remotely so no time to shop in the morning - at least that is my excuse for not getting up before 7am.

What is the problem with modern wheat?


I’m shopping early on a Sunday morning, fortnightly, at my local IGA, getting fresh fruit and veg from the local fruit shop and meat from the butcher. I batch cook once a week so I have back up meals in the freezer.

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Well for one, its generally affordable…

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Covid 19 has had the inverse effect on my shopping habits. When I had a job in the office I used to shop once a week with all my menus prepared ahead, the end of the week was long term storage fibres and proteins such as baked beans, brown lentils, eggs… Now I shop twice a week, this started due to the restrictions on some items (two cans of anything do not get you far when you have a family to feed twice a day) and the empty shelves (sugar, flour, cereals, longlife milk…). Since I have the time, I might as well go out more often to pick up fresh veggies, fresh milk, and fresh bread. I use the sanitiser, I don’t touch my face and I wash my veggies at home with potassium permanganate.

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Welcome to the community @Vero

You are one of many who were all but forced into that cycle because of needing quantities as well as finding many bare shelves on the day. For us we are trying to extend our weekly shop cycle to 9-14 days but the reality is we have had to shop about every 4 days where we used to rarely go more than every 6-7. It is a combination of bare shelves but also very short expiration dates on many products we buy, that are not suitable for freezing; dates on particular perishables used to be up to 14 days away but now the items on shelves are routinely less than 7 so we cannot buy two weeks worth at a time, so back we must go.

My response is wandering off topic to potassium permanganate. I had not heard of it so went searching. The best hits I found include

noting it can be used as a soak for skin conditions and other things, but must be used in a highly diluted form because it can burn in higher concentrations.

Washing veg with it for routine contaminants (salmonella, fecal matter, etc) appears targeted at locales with less rigorous practices, and especially those without sufficient clean water to do a normal rinse-wash.

Noting the report states ‘The potassium permanganate solution at 0.1% concentration for minimum 10 min contact time proved to be an efficient and easy method to significantly reduce the bacterial load.’ Without that 10 minutes it may be a feel good exercise rather than a significant improvement on water alone?

Thus rinsing foods with it and then with water seems the safest way to use it for the washing veg for anyone concerned about the more common contaminants.

Your post became educational for me and perhaps others. Thanks for contributing.

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Way back when I was in the CMF (Army Reserve), we would all soak our feet in bowls of a potassium, permanganete solution at the end of the day.

I went to Chemist Warehouse around 20 years ago to get a bottle for my feet and asked for a bottle of Condy’s Crystals. The pharmicist had never heard of it as apparently it is now known only by its chamical name.

It certainly helps but it also turns the skin brown.

Whilst at high school, we learnt that dipping it in hydrogen peroxide and then placing it on a dry surface for the liquid to evaporate would turn the crystals into mini explosives.

An unexpected surprise for persons sweeping concrete slabs.

So, now that both Coles and Woolworths have opened their online shopping to everyone, I get an email from AGL telling me how lucky I am that I now qualify for the Coles Priority service. I’ve registered, but somehow doubt I’ll use it.

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Better late than never?

You’d think so, but my needs are few now, so I’ll go in person. and get what i need, in all likelihood.

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I was merely being sarcastic.

i missed that


I assume that youi were not referring to this one.

Is nothing sacred?
