What do you think the long-term interests of consumers are in relation to electricity and gas “poles and wires” network services?

Looking across this and several other topics there are diverse discussions on the cost of electricity and gas, the impacts of government policy and the industry on consumers, and how best to meet current/future needs.

There is an overwhelming amount of information being produced by the Government appointed bodies. Whether this is going to reassure consumers, or had other purposes, it is a lot to take in, IE likely lost on the average consumer?

The following two links may prove enlightening, or not. Many of the concerns being raised are included.

It’s just possible that the industry and appointed bodies have a clearer understanding of the options and decisions required, than our conflicted leadership at Federal and State level.

There is also an ‘independent’ government body created to represent the interests of the average energy consumer. The following report provides links to further details of the role of the ECA. Who the role of the ECA best serves is an unanswered question.

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