Price gouging and the possible effects of Corporate Behaviour and Government policy and law

Today was the last day for public submissions to the ACCC Pricing Inquiry. If anyone wants to make a submission it has to be in by tonight to be considered.

Survey by ACCC

ACCC guided submission hub

Again, remember these close today 02 April 2024…

The issues paper can be found at

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About price gouging:. Is this price gouging?
School Uniforms cost nothing less than $500 to outfit one child. ($120 for 1 hat). And then they change the uniform when they go into Year 11 (seniors). The material in the uniforms are good quality but the stitching comes undone easily. They dictate what shoes they need to wear, and of course they are the more expensive shoes. Private schools get just as much government funding as public schools, but they keep on raising the school fees.

When the words mention “School Uniforms”, “Weddings” and “Funerals”, the price seem to go up a lot. Is that price gouging?