Pillow testing survey

Having your own neologism is perfectly cromulent especially if it is also a homonym. The OED has ‘mizzling’ from the 15th century to mean fine rain.


Not exactly, the compression test is a 100kg compression over a 24hour period in 80% humidity. We could utilise the thermal labs for this which have the appropriate temp and humidity controls. Our lifter can be used to squash the entire pillow equally beteen two boards (with weights), and then see how well it reforms when released - then a further ‘fluff up’ to see if it can reform completely. This way we can see the measurement over the enture pillow rather than just one section.


Accelerated ageing would be great, but I’m unsure of how we could do this well. The weight test should give an indication of elasticity.

Absorption of moisture - do you mean sweat? This is more of an oily substance - just had this conversation with my lab mgr - so no pillow is likely to wick this away easily. It irks me that it requires add ons like pillow protectors, but this seems to be the only way to prevent staining on pillows over time.

Yes, I’ve responded to another query on the fluffing.

Subjective surveys and/or in use assessments are always an option, we have one from a long while ago https://www.choice.com.au/home-and-living/bedroom/pillows/articles/satisfaction-survey which we might consider tweaking and redoing to keep up to date.


After a while they seem to deteriorate and when it is time to wash the cover there is a snow storm of latex. Sometimes to high for back sleeper.

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