Hypnosis for controlling weight

I was amused to see a review of hypnonsis for the purpose of losing weight in this month’s issue. I found hypnosis very useful!
I rang a hynotherapist last year, and the quote of about $1,200 for the recommended plan was enough to give me the incentive I needed to do it for a lot less. I lost 18kg. I spent about $250 on a weight loss product that has worked for me before, and didn’t buy expensive diet foods. As with hypnotherapy the battle to keep it off will never end, but I was successful, and saved money,


Anyone wanting to control their weight they can do so by buying one of David Gillespie’s books on the metabolism of fructose - “Sweet Poison” or “Sweet Poison Quit Plan” - and for a lot less than 1200 bucks. In fact you save a lot of money when you stop buying sugar laden processed food.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Lite n Easy for weight loss

Here’s the article on hypnosis for weight loss in case others would like a read.

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Just cut fructose from your diet. See http://sweetpoison.com.au/ and Peter Fitzsimons latest book The Great Aussie Bloke Slim-Down

My cure to being overweight has been a dose of vinegar with the mother, taken diluted & with a little sugar (or it burns the throat). It balances the body’s sugar levels, quelling the hunger. Increasing vegetable intake, reducing fats and eating low carbo foods at night all followed.

Just about anything will work if you truly believe in it and the result is to reduce your caloric intake. The chances are that vinegar in itself does nothing and so unless others truly believe as you do it will not work for them.

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Increasing vegetable intake and reducing carbohydrate foods, probably including fructose, are great ways to control your weight.

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Science is not a matter of belief. But of course it depends on the individual, whether the science works. Same as any treatment, cure, detox, whatever. We are all different.

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Of course but I didn’t say or hint that it is. I am aware that there are those who think that belief makes fact; I am not one. A product or procedure may have no scientific basis but still in some cases produce a result if people believe it will. That is not to say that anything you can believe will happen. Christian Scientists are believers not scientists.

However, human behaviour, including pain perception and other things, is very much influenced by belief. The placebo effect is a matter of science and well documented.