Grinder for flax seeds

Would like recommendations re a grinder for flax seeds.
Choice reviewed coffee grinders but not sure if they would grind flax seeds well. I have got a cheap kmart anko coffee grinder but it did not do a good job at all, a lot of whole seeds not being ground! I have had to pound it again using a mortar and pestle. I prefer to buy whole flax seeds and grind them finely as needed, instead of buying the pre-ground one.

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Was this the sort with a small round chamber that has a spinning blade in the centre? That kind of grinder does not produce an even grind, it is often not recommended for coffee for that reason. A burr grinder produces a more even particle size and can be adjusted to the size you want. These are more expensive however, have a look at the Choice reviews of coffee grinders. I am not sure if a burr grinder will clog up though as flax seed contains more oil than coffee.

if you are consuming flax seed as a fibre supplement you might find psyllium a good substitute. It comes pre-ground, it is cheap and readily available and does not have the potential for side effects attributed to flax seed.


How many do you need to grind?

For smaller amounts (tablespoon or two)…We have a family member who uses a old style electric pepper grinder (with metal mill) filled with flax seeds/linseeds to grind seeds over their morning cereal. They say it works well and they can adjust coarseness easily, however the mill part needs cleaning from time to time if and when the mill surface binds up. I suggest if this an option to look for one that is easy to clean.

I have asked why they don’t buy ground to be told that the Omega 3 oils/fatty acids oxidise and potentially go rancid when ground and stored. The same problems are reduced when freshly ground.

If you need a lot such as that to be used as an ingredient in cooking (more than a couple of tablespoons done regularly) I would look at a specific seed grinder capable for grinding small seeds (coffee grinders are designed for breaking down larger particles). This blog has some options which may be available online.


Thanks, syncretic, for your reply.
Flax seeds are recommended to lower my cholesterol. I sprinkle them over porridge.


Thanks, phb, for your reply.
I will look into an electric pepper grinder, as you have suggested. You are correct that freshly ground flax seeds are much better than pre-ground (oxidisation of nutrients).
I do clean all the parts of the kmart anko coffee grinder after each use, but it was a cheap one and did not do the grinding job properly.
PS - thanks for the blog link.


I use a Sunbeam Coffee ,Herb and Spice grinder . Works well on coriander and sesame seeds . Not sure if the model I have is still available .


A manual grinder would work as well. I suspect they use electric one as it is easier to grind slightly larger amounts.


WikiHow also suggests several alternatives methods, as well as a basic spice/coffee grinder.

Out of curiosity Linseed and Flaxseed, are most commonly alternate names for the same product. Similar to spelt and durum being different varieties of wheat, there are different varieties of flax plant with different preferred uses.


Thanks, mark_m, for the wikiHow. One of the methods recommended is using mortar and pestle - which I have been using the last few days. I have had to pound it for more than 5 mins to crush the seeds. Hubby has been using the kmart anko and 70% of the seeds not crushed, he sprinkled them on my porridge. The whole seeds have had no effect because they just go right through the digestive system and not release the nutrients.
Will investigate all the recommendations mentioned here. Thanks everyone.


With seeds like flaxseed, they need to be broken otherwise they will pass through your body with little benefit/undigested.


Agree, phb, that’s why I have been crushing the seeds with a mortar and pestle until I can find a suitable device to do it faster.


Maybe this dedicated grain mill, be warned they can be difficult to source and are expensive. This one was a gift so no idea what was paid.

Also note for oily seeds, grains and nuts, steel burrs are better than stone as stone quickly takes up oils and so can be damaged (oils and residual product gets caught up and cannot be removed without damage to the stone) or difficult to clean and can add flavours to other grinds.

None of the below links are recommended retailers, they are just reference for comparisons and show some idea of price variations.


Thanks, grahroll. I do like the look of the victoria grain mill. I will go to kitchenwarehouse near us to check it out (it is on sale!)


Flax seeds may well control cholesterol but my doctor claimed that the impact of diet on cholesterol, if I recall correctly, is only 20 to 30%. You are going to have to eat an awful lot of flax seeds which may not be good for other reasons. Best to eat normal healthy meals, high in fibre, low in cholesterol and speak to you doctor. Besides, these “dietary supplements” are terribly expensive. Good food is cheaper.
Yes, as others have said, you need a burr grinder to get a uniform grind. I have one for coffee but they are way too expensive for what you want unless you can find a second hand one. The blade grinders don’t actually grind, they chop so you get all different sizes.


Thanks, BobT. Not disagreeing with you at all. I have a small amount of ground flax seeds (2 tablespoons) on my porridge each morning. My GP does not believe that diet would lower cholesterol, and wants me to take statins instead. I have taken it on and off (because my GP keeps pushing it) as it has caused terrible muscle cramps and aches (resulting in sleepless nights). I do try to eat a mixture of vegs, no red meat, and no processed foods. My cholesterol levels have not changed much over 20 years - it was 7 in 2003, in recent years it was a little bit lower, 5.2 to 5.6 - except last week blood tests showed it shot up to 6.3, a bit alarming for my GP!

I have checked out the victoria grain mill at kitchenwarehouse, and decided not to get it (even though it was on sale) because I would only use it to grind flax seeds and not other uses. So, I have decided to grind the flax seeds with a pestle and mortar - a much cheaper method as I already have.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cholesterol Levels

I use my small electric Anko coffee grinder , it holds 3 tablespoon and does a top job.
Use this in many things like pancakes , falafel, veg burgers, patties, the list is endless , being vegan this is an essential product for us .


Great idea to use a mortar and pestle. After all, it has proven itself all the way back to the stone age and still going.
There is a lot of anecdotal stuff on cholesterol and diet. We have for decades been on a low cholesterol, low saturated fats diet. Mum was being treated for high cholesterol. Some years back, she spent a few months where she grew up in a small dairying village in Austria. There it’s all full cream milk, butter, cheese, eggs and animal fats. We thought, OMG her cholesterol will be through the roof. It wasn’t, it was actually down. The people there don’t have particularly high cholesterol, some do, some don’t. So, I think lifestyle and lack of stress is a factor as well.