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I once thought the pervasive nature of our self serving boards and politicians was a result of our small population developing a small number of individuals with skills to deal with ‘those things’.

Reality is there are many, many countries with far smaller populations and far more responsible boards (and politicians).

I have also come to understand many of the most culpable political apparatchiks that consult with political parties globally, who take the ‘very lowest roads’ are often Australians :frowning:

One of many… a “master of the dark political arts”, “the Wizard of Oz”, and “the Australian Karl Rove


It appears to be historic and now culturally pervasive for the top end since they have been successful doing it, and have a long history of doing what they do with impunity.

edit: We are led by these self serving sorts from the top down. Let the rorts flow, no problems and we refuse to hear of any.