About the Scams category

Something really dodgy-looking you want to report, or ask a question about? This is the place.


I received an email supposedly from The Good Guys saying that I had won an iPhone 7. It started with a number of questions about what colour I wanted the iPhone, what memory etc. I moved along with the questions and I was pretty sure it was a scam. I think the last question was waiting for an answer but I noticed a little window saying that I would be subscribing to Biquamo Game (3x$6.60/wk +$6.60join, 25c/message sent. That’s where I stopped. It was a scam to join this Game group not win an iPhone. I contacted the Good Guys who disowned the message and asked me for details. On re-checking the site I noticed that the elements of the message (letterhead etc.) appeared to be just images snapped off the screen of a genuine Good Guys site.


Well I tried to report this to ACCC, but their required fields are so explicit and restrictive, I couldn’t do it. So I will share here.
I was searching for something online, suddenly a survey about Google Chrome appeared. After answering that, an offer came up for a new iPhone 12, for $1.50. It had the Amazon banner, the seller’s address was amazingwow24.com. Scrolling down, I found that a 3 month subscription of “79,00$” would be automatically deducted. After filling in my address, I was transferred to a genuine payment site, with the lock in the website address.
And that is all the information I have.

I didn’t go ahead with the payment, I was attempting to get information to report to ACCC.
However ACCC requires scammers email address, blah blah blah - apparently just ripping people off isn’t enough evidence. As they don’t actually act on the information received, I would have thought this is enough to alert people to the fakery that is used. Hope this pic will show:


I want to start a new topic about a Medicare covid scam I have been subjected to. How do I start a new topic? I only seem to be able to reply to existing topics and cannot find one suitable.

A post was split to a new topic: Vitaketo apple gummies that are used for weight loss

My wife and I are getting Scam SMS messages advising that there has been problems with the delivery of packages from online orders. These messages purport to be from Australia Post or general delivery companies
It has happened an over a long time and I originally thought that the Scam messages were coincidental with when we make orders. However, I have just realised that these scam messages coincide with when we were actually waiting for real orders. It appears to me that these people have some sort of access to delivery companies web sites and are sending out their messages to trap people expecting a delivery!
My latest Scam message is from telephone number ‘+61 408 430 761’, and tells me my “address details are wrong 
” then to connect to the link “
 postnt.top/au” to update my address details (I have not written this link complete to avoid creating one here). This arrived a day after I received confirmation of an online order I had made. (I have added the phone number to my blocked list which is getting quite long)

Just wondering if others have had this experience?