Zee Sweet Stone Fruit Availability?

After being disappointed with the quality of stone fruit for many years, I came across Zee Sweet peaches, nectarines and Pluots some years ago.

The trees are grown by licensed growers and the Pluot is a plum/apricot hybrid.

I have rarely found any of their fruit disappointing and only buy it and it was regularly stocked by Coles, Woollies and Supa IGA in Cairns.

However, this year I have not seen a single piece of Zee Sweet fruit so I contacted Zee Sweet to inquire why. and they advised that their licensed growers make their own arrangements to sell their produce.

Has anyone else seen any Zee Sweet stone fruit this season, and if so, at what outlets and locations?



Ok folks. You can all stop looking now.

Our local Supa IGA has stocks of Zee Sweet white nectarines and they are absolutely delicious.

I don’t recall them being this good until the new year let alone in early November when I bought the first dozen.
