Why or why not buy at ALDI?

So on Sunday night during 10 News I saw an Aldi ad that compared famous brands with Aldi copycat products which included “Up & Go” (vs “Quick 2 Go”) and Bega. Last night (Tuesday) I saw an ad during 10 News for “Up & Go”. Well today at Coles from the top to the bottom of the start of the breakfast aisle there was just “Up & Go”… So in addition to prime time ads, “Up & Go’s” makers would be paying Coles quite a lot for that prominent placement - which are costs that Quick 2 Go wouldn’t require.

I don’t think it was an accident that Aldi included “Up & Go” in their ad at the same time that “Up & Go” was having a major advertising campaign (with special placements on Coles’ stores).

I noticed something interesting on those shelves - the plain Coles brand version was about the same price ($6 for 3). “Up & Go” is $12 for 6 (next to the Coles ones) or $6.50 for 3 (further away) and that’s the normal price.