Who is the Grey Army?

Remember when the grey army was about semi retired tradies working part time and providing consumers with a good deal. We needed an electrician recently & I thought I’d try the grey army. I lodged an enquiry on line. My wife was then contacted by a rather young sounding gent who went on to explain that we needed a new light switch ( without even seeing the job), quoted on the approximate work including a significant call out fee. Going back to their website it appears they are a franchising company. In their application for a franchise there is no mention of age. As they say in their blog “be a lifter not a leaner”. I don’t think I will bother with them again!


It’s a great concept, but it sounds more like it’s for tradies who are getting started. If you’re an established tradie, you’ve probably established a clientele. I’d love to hear more experiences with this service.

Hm - it looks like you’re right, @Albie and the Grey Army is a franchise now - and maybe not what it originally launched as!

I know for small oddjobs I look at Airtasker.com. I needed help taking my old, heavy CRT TV down a flight of stairs for council disposal and I found someone who was happy to help me out for $20.

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Wow good to know. I’ve used the Grey Army before, about a decade ago, and had a lovely silver haired old school plumber assist me. Sad to hear they’ve changed their business so drastically.

I called the Grey Army 8 years ago to mow the lawn at my father’s house as he was in hospital. Expecting an older man I was surprised when a young man came instead. He said he would have to charge me twice the normal price because the grass was a bit high. And no, he could not do the job straight away. When he did come it was a rainy day and his petrol smelling mower did not do a very good job, in some parts the wet grass was only flattened! Never called the Grey Army again.