Which is the cheapest supermarket chain in Australia? Supermarket grocery prices compared

Thanks to Aldi today we see the reality of Prices we shouldn’t have been paying due to Monopoly.Aldi’s prices have savings for sure. Most Products are same and some European Market but atleast compatible as oppositions. Since ALDIs entry The opposition price slowly started down and still today as Choice proved the Cheapest Supermarket for real cost saving not many many over the years advertised as savings which never was. Loyalty and Shares in Australian Supermarkets Chains builds Loyalty and reason once and than I sold share and started saving and not committed to spending certain $ to get point and learnt I get more than points by shopping at Aldi by Saving Enormously. Most Coles & Woolworths Items are All year round revolving 1/2 price deals and these are Proudly Australian made Products- Why are they or are Overpriced. Still no one can Monitor and Control these Prices.

Atleast those who shop basic to survive do not see brand as no name brand Cole’s and Woolworths Products same as other basic items are still extremely higher turnover for them. Most Products are Australian made but branding is not an issue. Remember they also have multi Brands and still price we pay is the issue not an Icon Supermarket. Thank you Aldi for bridging Real Competition to Australia for to give us Real Cost of Living Savings for Struggling Australians.

Anyone can monitor them if they wish however the supermarkets are not going to make it easy by providing data electronically so you are looking at manual data collection; hence Choice monitoring a small sample of products over the next few years. This will give an indication of overall trends but not advice on which individual products are best value at the time.

As far as controlling prices, there is no law in Oz that is applicable. In general vendors are entitled to set there prices however they like. However we do have authorities who are charged with preventing undue market concentration. How and why they have failed in this case is a long story. There have been calls to break up the supermarket duopoly/duopsony but so far these have been ignored.


It’s no surprise. However as consumers we can shop the online pricing of Woolworths and Coles. Also no surprise is over an extended period of time the cost of shopping at either appears to be nearly the same. Only the specials cycles differ, which if one lives near by both (many are located almost side by side) it’s possible to take advantage.

Aldi, and the one criticism On pricing is they only offer details online of the specials/promotions. It subsequently requires one to go onto the store to discover the competitive pricing or not, as well as any other determining facts. Woolies and Coles offer pack shots and text based supporting information.

As consumers we now have access to almost real time petrol pump pricing. It’s for consumers to ask the same of the higher volume and value products commonly purchased at our major supermarkets. How hard would it be? It’s all digital.


There are many ‘unpublished’ store/manager specials by whatever name that are not reflected in their online presence.

and the trip might or might not be rewarding, item by item or week by week.

Yes and no. It depends on what one wants to discover. The street prices or what are essentially their RRPs on the day.


Exactly true Woolworths to get free delivery must shop $75* Coles I believe $100 and there are occasions some items of need are not available or out of stock.For a Basic Regular Family needs are a must for most items as shopped in a weekly cycle and fiddly’s whenever needed. So not much difference as fulfilment to satisfy a must in every way but for struggling families on Budget and Savings Woolworths & Coles cannot provide or match to some Australian made same items too. Thanks to CHOICE most Australians come to realise after Choices findings.