VPN providers use virtual servers . Transparency and security issues

The issue that seems to arise from the link below is " Should VPN providers explain to you on their sign up pages that some servers are not in the countries as stated " It would no doubt , in the minds of most users , seem to create a certain confusion as to the security put in place by the provider of the service ./
I certainly , because all the supposedly good VPN’s are subscription based , would like to know this information . ExpressVPN is quoted in the attached link as " the best VPN that users virtual servers " I use to subscribe to ExpressVPN and after 6 months wanted my money back . Failed me in all the parameters I was looking for in a VPN . Another post , I guess . If you pay for security that is what you should be offered not a compromised system that suits the requirements of the provider .


I don’t think it would matter - from the article they seem to have pages detailing (albeit in weasel-word marketing doublespeak) how they do stuff and I wouldn’t be surprised if where you sign up it has ‘subject to’ clauses that vaguely reference pages and terms and conditions that the vast majority of people still would never read even if they knew it contained information contrary to the fundamental features they believed they were getting. Even then, without a detailed technical description of how they are achieving the end solution it would be impossible to determine anything really, and how many consumers would understand a detailed technical description? I don’t trust any of it :slight_smile: