Under-rated appliances that have changed your life

Two are for the business, one for the house and another in the shed.

More or less.

  • 22 year old Volta Euro Compact delegated to the shed and used on the car, when restoring furniture etc.It is one wheel less than new and needs to be carried when using.
  • 10 year old Miele principally for the house. A good all rounder.
  • 18 month old upright bagless Shark (businesses) which with it turbo brushes is terrific on carpet and rugs. A bit cumbersome to use as an everyday machine. A bagless one.
  • 6 month old backpack Pullman as an all-rounder for the business. This one is surprisingly good for a simple machine…and why we didn’t buy a backpack one in the past I don’t know. Gives mobility that no other vacuum provides +15m or cord which is useful. We use a reusable cloth bag in the machine, but can be used without a bag. If the Miele ever dies, we will get a backpack vacuum for the house - maybe Choice should consider reviewing backpack ones in the future, as they are very convenient to use.

I think word has got around in my place,
haven’t seen one for years :rofl:

As I don’t have carpet or pets I can’t tell
how efficient it would be at removing pet’s hair from carpet.


Neither can we.

Our little dog does not shed and we got rid of the carpet.

As for the spiders, we just had the annual pest inspection and treatment and the little spiders have all gone MIA.


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I have both. I wish I had stuck to my intent to get a naked cat the next time round. Tom was a hairy cat, shed everywhere. I said I’d never have another that did that, so when I adopted what looked like a short hair from the RSPCA, I thought I was ok. Nope. Toby can be brushed multiple times a day and will still shed as he walks. Sighhhh.

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Mine would be a cheapo rice cooker from Kmart. I paid $13 around 15 years ago and it is still going strong.
Once you try one you will never boil water again to cook rice.


Oh I missed this part of your comment. I have a spider catcher bought from ebay… its supposed to not hurt the spiders and then you can release them outside. It is very effective for large spiders (think Huntsman) but not so much for smaller ones like house spiders. Still, I have caught and released a few Huntsman spiders (after they have finished their job of clearing out the smaller spiders and other unwelcome insects)

Also… I have recently realised that the electric skillet is a really excellent alternative to using my gas stove (which I hate). I bought a Kambrook one but now wish I had bought the Sunbeam one with the dome lid. I don’t like glass lids, they are all too flat. Planning to sell off the kambrook (and its larger square brother) and get a sunbeam. Being able to avoid using the gas has been marvellous.

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An easier and cheaper method.


@Gregr I still have my T-Box, although it’s years since Telstra officially supported them. I can program to record special shows, auto-record series, etc, etc. I love it. Yes, there is iView and all the other watch-on-demand streaming services, but by the time I sort through and find what I want to watch, I’m bored with the whole process …

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I recently bought a $20 Egg Cooker - absolutely wonderful. No more boiling saucepans, cracked shells, and ‘how many minutes am I up to?’ … just pop the eggs in, push the button, then it alarms when they’re done. Perfect eggs every time!

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Only if one purchases a newspaper for other than spider control. Best to read first.

Not if it is the local Murdoch rag althought there was a time when it served a useful purpose for the local community, at least up until Cairns was sewered.

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I’d rate the humble cutting board or bread board the great step forward. Especially the plastic based boards which can go in the dishwasher or sink. Being tenants on and off for more than half our adult lives the often common use of the kitchen bench top my celebrity chefs is not always wise to imitate.

The timber versions also have benefits, but require regular extra TLC when it comes to cleaning and hygiene.

The one unresolved draw back to plastic based boards.
A timber board can be recovered for many lifetimes with a bit of effort, scraping and sanding. Something not possible with a plastic version. And definitely a concern If they cannot be recycled?

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Find the best breadmakers with our review

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