'Uncool' foods

Diversity is what makes the world interesting, and Choice Community is no different @Guitarfish :slightly_smiling_face:

At the other thread someone remarks that big fast food chains ‘ Have thousand of stores nation wide and long queues’.

It is not uncool to eat there, just not
very healthy. :hamburger: :wink:


It’s been a long time since I’ve had either Maccas or HJ’s (which always gave me a headache) - but it did taste good, although an odd kind of ‘good’ to me …

I remember doing a burger run with the guys at work to a local fish and chip shop that did amazing burgers, but the fat … I remember one colleague saying ‘if the paper wrapper turns clear, its your window to weight gain’.

There is also the ‘cardiologists diet’ - if it tastes good, spit it out … :slight_smile:


Definitely not a regular feature of an otherwise healthy diet! They have however come in useful on the odd late occasion where I have been too knackered after a particularly long day at work, hospital visits and/or domestic disasters to feel like preparing, cooking and cleaning up after a meal. Plonking down on the sofa with a tasty and satisfying burger, a glass of red, and no dishes is definitely good for my mental health!


A well made hamburger can be a tasty and fairly healthy meal. They get bad press (quite rightly) when they are too bland, sugary, fatty, salty and are short-changed on fresh salad. A hamburger does not need to be an unbalanced feast of excess to be flavoursome and satisfying.


Glad to hear it!

If and when you have the time @Guitarfish, please have a look at the
thread started by @vax2000 (Comfort foods), with recipes which are quick, easy, and healthy. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Coles milk is not really milk.

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I never mentioned Coles milk but how is it not real milk?

As Pauline said, “Please explain?”

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Coles was an example and do you really think that $1.50 or what ever it costs is really milk?

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MacDonald’s headache-inducing thickshakes!

Oh, and freshly fried potato scallops.


I am the master of quick healthy meals! After work and exercise, dinner for 2 of us needs to be on the table in less than 20mins including prep and cooking, so we have lots of simple healthy salads or steamed veg, sometimes but not always with a small amount of lean protein (fish or chicken usually, sometimes an omelette). There are just some very occasional days when even that is too much effort! I will look at that collection of recipes for inspiration and see if I can add any of mine…


This is home-cooked, not bought, but I still like 70’s style sweet and sour: The basic sauce is made with pineapple juice and tomato sauce, maybe garlic and ginger added, depending on my mood. Add capsicum and onion, plus meat. Yum!


Yes, and a double battered deep fried fillet of fish. Not an everyday treat. Certainly cool in this household.

I’d suggest a great lamb loin chop, fatty tail, or good old rump, fat on are great choices too for that little treat. I’d rather a little of each fat and all, than a 450gram monster wagu or ribeye. Both likely as fat laden in the larger leaner cut.

Cool or uncool?

Is it that uncool to eat less healthy on occasion?
Life without oysters is not living, (great with a steak) although it might not add to your other life, perhaps, genetics and good luck included.


It has been processed to reduce the microbes, increase stability and the butter fat is lower than in nature. It may not be hot and creamy as it would be straight out of the cow but it is milk. What do you think it is?


I hope it is uncool to be totally rigid on eating only healthy!


Didn’t prawn cocktails become trendy again (for a while) recently?


When did they ever “go off” trend? :rofl:

We prefer ours deconstructed, lettuce and thousand island dressing or ■■■■-tail sauce optional.


rooster-tail sauce perhaps? :rofl: gotta love bad word filters when they fail …


I think the - was the problem. cocktail - see I said it! :wink:


Yes, I was guilty :worried: of flirting with the word police more than necessary. I did wonder at the time whether the hyphen would trip the system up. I prefer my prawns au natural, or can I suggest undressed?

Now we know.


■■■■-a-too? ■■■■-a-doodle-doo?

Okay, test ended.