TV Screen life

I have an LG 65" OLED TV and the screen has deteriorated and has lines running across and the colour has degraded. It is 6.5 years old. I had a full 5 year warranty. I contacted LG and I must say their responses are very quick. They suggested a pixel refesh operation once a day for a week, Alas not improvement. After they said not under warranty and have a “great day”. Should I expect a better life form such a TV. It was a $5,500 investment

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As a $5,500 TV at 6~7 years old I agree it should not fail. The LG warranty is not the last word since you should be covered by the Australian Consumer Law.

Review the Choice article on typical lifetimes of TVs and appliances. While it states 7 years you could argue your TV should last longer based on its price and market position. Also search the net for problems with LG TVs are you might get some evidence +/- to support or refute your situation.

Then write a formal 'Letter of Complaint’ to LG. They could push back as your TV approached the typical life. FWIW We had a Sony TV, 2009 vintage, $3,500, that was still working 100% when we upgraded to a larger screen in 2020. Similar comparisons could be useful to include.

Also review this topic as it may be relevant.

Please let us know how you go.


Further to what @phil has indicated, Choice has indicated through their own investigations that a TV has a typical life of 6-7 years. Being 6.5 years, it is within the range of life considered by Choice as being reasonable.

While many TVs may last longer, life of LED TVs is also dependent on the amount of use. Those used for more hours each day are more likely to have a reduced lifespan, while those used less frequently a longer lifespan. Choice also notes that from a survey of its members, a LG TV develops a ‘major problem’ about 4.2 years after purchase. Choice also states:

This is the average time before a major fault occurred in TVs from each brand. This is different to the total life expectancy of the appliance, as many of these faults were repairable, not terminal.

For newer TVs, though, it’s worth getting a quote – seemingly terminal faults may be as simple to fix as replacing a cheap capacitor, or may require an entire circuit board costing as much as the entire TV. The panel itself should last for 10 years or so but usually can’t be repaired, so dead pixels, cracks or other damage, unless you learn to live with them, are usually terminal.

I suspect that you won’t have any luck with LG with a letter of complaint as the TV manufacturers know the typical lifespan of a TV, which is likely to not be dissimilar to that outlined by Choice. It may still be worth sending a letter of complaint hoping that they consider a longer life reasonable, but, I wouldn’t be holding my breath.

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Thank you all have written to LG’s MD Mr Dan Lim.


I have not had a peep from LG from my Jun 12 email with a copy sent by mail and a further follow up email sent 2 days ago. Very disappointed with LG.

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How can i get LG to at least respond to my email also copied by mail. How do we name and shame them for no response.

Have you tried calling them? Their phone number is here:

LG Customer Service & Complaints | LG Australia.

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Thank you: hey have an email direct to the ANZ CEO I sent a follow up to that. Gave up on finding a phone no on your link. Never give up!

The phone number should be highlighted when you click on the link. It is 1300 LG CARE (1300 54 2273). Call them.

Thanks i did get through do someone who was hard to understand perhaps in the Phillipines. They said no and then i said i had extended warranty and then they said will refer to their resolution center could take 2/3 business days. Fingers crossed.

They told me to get lost politely as it is outside warranty Disappointing result for a known result

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