Traditional use medicines and therapies - what are your thoughts?

I suggest you mean “does not yet explain” - science can explain much more than you seem to give it credit for.

I have several health conditions for which science does not yet have a cure, and that have a major impact on my life. That does not mean that I should believe whatever some crank tells me about their ‘patented cure’; it just means that I have to put up with certain medications and annoying technology.

If there is any proof that your preferred nostrum is in any way efficacious (note: anecdote =/ truth, and I am very aware of the placebo effect), then the maker will be able to prove that efficacy. Using the scientific method, not their own creative rules.

The public is not qualified to do so - and when quacks get involved people tend to become ill and/or die. This is why there is a minimum standard of evidence set in relation to claims about ‘health’ products.

Show me a natural therapy that works, and I’ll show you medicine. The ‘big pharma’ you seem to think runs the world (along with sheeple like me) will happily grab whatever it can, bottle it and sell the stuff.

When it’s not based upon scientific evidence, and you have to ‘believe’ for the treatment to work, that’s charlatanism. Things like homeopathy, chiroquackty, breatharianism (the ‘inventor’ must have laughed themselves crazy when they heard someone had actually tried this - and died), reiki, acupuncture etc. are all lacking evidence of efficacy.

I don’t care how you choose to kill yourself, but if it affects children then you have a responsibility of care - and your personal preferences need to come second.

I desperately hope our medical regulators are not that crazy. It is the producer’s responsibility to show proof that what they offer does what the bottle says. That’s all TGA needs - evidence.

Good point. I wouldn’t want anyone who didn’t actually have a clue about science and medicine and the human body to be approving such things. Unfortunately, most quacks don’t have a basic medical background (ex-Doctor Wakefield is an exception - he simply had a major conflict of interest).

Unfortunately. There is no ‘alternative’ medicine - if it works, it’s medicine; if not, then it’s a waste of money.


Then make sure they get vaccinated on schedule.

One final point for anyone who enjoys bashing ‘big pharma’. They are also generally the companies that manufacture your ‘alternative’ medicines. There is no escape!

I don’t have the time or patience to reply to all of the claims you are making, @Choosegood, but while I am not a fan of chemo- or radiotherapy (having watched my father and my father-in-law die horribly), eating grass won’t cure cancer. Advocate for legal euthanasia if you want to die pain-free. And ask an expert about how chemo- and radiotherapy assist in reducing end-of-life pain.

The reason we use US government research and standards is because it’s cheaper than duplicating what has already been done!

Science works.