Titanium hip replacement

Hi all, I hope this is in the right section.
My father who is suffering dementia had a fall the other day and had a titanium pin replacement 2 days later.
Just curious when the time comes whenever that may be, what happens to the titanium upon cremation?
I’m pretty sure it must get recycled, so does the crematorium donate it for recycling or do they sell it?
No, I’m not looking for any $$ out of it but just wondering what happens to the titanium once it’s no longer useful.
Thank you

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Here’s a story from the ABC


The collection and disposal of parts of prosthetics, gold fillings etc should be discussed between the client and provider. Titanium etc components withstand heat and are removed during the procedure. The provider has no automatic right to these, although it is likely convenient and from our experience written into the cremation services agreement.

Items such as pace makers need to be removed prior and evidenced in writing.


In addition to the previous responses that answer your question in the general case, ask the specific crematorium what they do. It might be the same ‘as above’, or might not be.


Thank you. That was a very interesting and insightful story.

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I tried to get my mother’s Ti knee joint, but the crematorium held onto it, no doubt to sell.


Their kneed was greater than yours


Mr Z has so much metal in him from two serious motorcycle accidents and soon to have a bit more in a hip replacement, that I think I should go to the scrap metal place before I go to the funeral directors’ :rofl:

I did a course on 3D metal printing and they can now scan the hip and make a personalised titanium scaffold that the bone can grow into and there is no need to completely detach & reattach the tendons. Lighter and out of hospital much quicker. This technology is in use already, I am told, at the Qld Sunshine Coast University Hospital. Am catching up with a recent patient soon, to hear how it went.