Tarps: quality vs cost

Where did all the mid-price, long-lasting commodity tarps go?

We use a lot of tarps for machinery that we don’t have shedding for (yes, shedding would be ideal, but we don’t have the flat land to put it on). Of course, we can always buy made-to-measure tarps that will last almost forever (we have a couple for high-value items), but they cost a bomb. Used to be, we could buy commodity polythene tarps from Bunnings that would last 5-10 years. Top of the line had welded-in corners that don’t tear out in the wind, and the mid-range silver tarps could stand up to the UV. More recently the top-of-the-line Bunnings tarps we’ve bought have had taped-in eyelets (the tapes tear out in high winds), and the most recent silver tarp from them has died from UV in 18 months. Fair enough, Bunnings are going hard on prices, they’re pretty good for what you pay. But low price, low quality is not what we need. Does anyone know of anyone still supplying mid-range tarps (i.e. not custom made, but with stronger corner fastenings and a reasonable UV life in Australian sun)?
Thanks for any suggestions

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We have noticed the same. I agree that tarps which once lasted a long time, in some cases many years exposed to the elements, have been replaced with cheap tarps which might last days to months. The reduction in quality is possibly, as you have identified, due to trying to meet the consumers desire for ‘low price’. Unfortunately with many products, low price does mean low quality.

It is worth checking websites such as army disposal type stores for lined canvas tarps or heavy duty stitched poly tarps. While they are more expensive that the couple of dollar low quality tarps, the price is reasonable with the quality which on offer. This is one example, but there are others if you search their websites for the term ‘tarp’.

eBay also has some as well. This is an example a canvas tarp seller on eBay, albeit smaller sizes.

Many army disposal type stores also will post products as well.

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You might also look to the camping goods stores. I’ve a drab green on outside silver under extra heavy duty poly tarp I purchased from one nearly approx 12 years ago. Still good after much use and outdoor time. I used it to cover loads on the trailer when travelling or moving that needed to be kept dry. A similar product appears to be available from BCF. Double stitched edges, etc.


Thank you phb, Mark, some very helpful links there.