Solar Panels - 2024 Reviews

@BrendanMays @ChrisBarnes

As I am considering replacing our 12 year old panels which are now functioning at about 70% of the initial claimed production, so I thought I would have a quick look at the new Solar Panel review.

Firstly, I suspect that the "bad points’ for the Tindo Solar and the Risen have been swapped.

Secondly, perhaps you could also include the calculated total output for each panel over the claimed life (eg 25years) taking into account the claimed initial and ongoing degradation. This value divided by the purchase price would provide a better value for money figure than just looking at the claimed initial output.


Thanks @meltam, we appreciate the suggestions and I’m sure they’ll be considered.

Here’s a link to the member review for reference:

If anyone has any further thoughts about total output for each panel over the claimed life, please drop your thoughts below.

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How long since you have mopped them with soapy water and rinsed well??? I clean mine every 6 weeks and can notice a difference immediately on my monitoring software…

I noticed that this summer in SE QLD our output has been significantly reduced in some months due to a greater amount of overcast and wet weather. Average monthly solar production can vary by up to 15%. Assume the production data one is comparing has been collected in a way that it is not skewed by weather variation. 2024 ytd.

We have also noted the impact of increased partial shading due to tree growth.

It’s worthwhile looking at all possible causes. Output degradation of around 0.5% annually (max 1%) is more commonly expected. We kept a copy of the original performance specifications for the PV panels supplied with our system. I took screen shots of accumulated daily output. Selected each string on several of our best production days in the first 12 months.


The sample graphs demonstrate a further factor to be aware of. The production from a PV panel is reduced by increasing temperature. The peak stable output of each 1.8kW string was approx 1.6kW for the east facing string mid morning and just over 1.5kW for the west facing string in the hotter afternoon sun.

Hopefully you have records/data at this level of detail for the system and string performance. The graphic was produced from the exported data tables provided by the OEM’s App. A partial fault in a single panel can also significantly reduce output. Best left to a registered electrical installer with pv accreditation (original solar pv supplier/installer) to fault find if one suspects a faulty panel or wiring?

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