Solar Panel Systems Quality and Safety in Australia

I think Solar panels a re a great way to reduce power costs but I will advice readers of my problem I had a Solar company sell & install Solar panels on my roof all was ok until an Autume rain storm caused the area under these installed panels to leak, this leak then damaged our lounge ceiling. I contacted the Solar company who sent a Technical person around to inspect I showed this Expert ? person where the leak was in the lounge ceiling he went on the roof but did not look in the correct place so he reported back & the Solar company refused any responsibility saying that the panels where done correctly it then took nearly two months to get the same expert technical person? To come back then show him once more the ceiling damage Then for me to yell at him that he was looking in the WRONG place He then removed a roof tile that had been cut &n replaced it by moving two others around The consumer protection are as good as useless in these situations

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