Solar Panel Systems Quality and Safety in Australia

There are of course services that will take your visitor on a holiday excursion. Some charge, some do it for free or a nominal amount. Assuming the visitor is semi permanent it might be advisable to have it ID’d unless you know for sure their name from the guest register.

We have several that enjoy the house roof space and another that plays hide and seek in the garage. All are signed in under Monty for Python. They tend to ensure there are few other things running around and gnawing on the electrics, or scratching in the walls, as well as discouraging their cousins from hanging around the house. While all the local possums choose another house for their nightly rugby World Cup finals.


Sorry for delay in answering; former ISP turned off the ‘free’ email (incoming only) service (don’t ask!), so I have been totally isolated for a while. Problem solved today with the help of the ever patient TIO service. Wonderful people! If anyone has an ongoing seemingly unresolvable problem with an ISP. do contact the TIO. Finally in absolute frustration, reported the problem late Friday… fixed today! Brilliant! They have an online page to fill out so no email service needed to get their help.

To the visitor problem… I am sure it is a member of the Brown family. Many relatives have visited out in my excuse for a garden… Five by the back door at one stage. I had some difficulty trying to walk on air as I went out to feed my horses. I found a very long (fat) item of attire discarded near the unused front door last summer…We appear to have a cordial arrangement…I do not chase them and they have not as yet chased me.
This is all, of course, absolutely not at all related to the fact that the local council allowed a mine to be developed 600 measured meters across bare paddocks from homes, including mine some years ago. . As most folks would know, one of the strategies used to attempt to move these long thin visitors along, is introducing vibrations into the earth near them…
Mine blasts put vibrations into the earth…but mines put money into the pockets of the greedy… so no contest, n’est pas! Council ‘knows nothing!’
The mine is now being developed for other purposes but the noise, so possibly vibration, continues…all night!

I think that the menu which provides an ample selection of grain (from nearby paddocks) fed rodents is popular with guests. One has noted a distinct lowering in rodent guest numbers recently. The concern is of course, guest complaints when the menu diminishes …
Travel agents for long thin guests are of course available but much of the 'stuff, necessary of course, has now been dragged, in stealth midnight raids, from the guest- residential area into the now warehouse like kitchen. It would be rather difficult to locate such a travel agent with a front-end loader who could negotiate a path into the kitchen…Clear-outs are in progress…
My local possums continue their nightly athletic meetings on my roof. I feed them apples and carrots etc to help save their lives from locals who are aggrieved when fruit is stolen from trees. I wish someone would feed the locals something to stop them stealing…
I am allowed to pat the possums so that is my reward. They are friendly and have good memories for people, routines and who is allowed to eat first, so reasonably intelligent… and protected by law, though this is over looked by the locals.


Well done with the TIO.

You received far better service than my previous two attempts to get them to assist.

I’m in awe of your talent with the possums. Ours have always preferred to reach out to accept offerings, but not come that extra foot closer.

We’ve had the good fortune to have Mrs Python taking in the sun at the side door, which is certainly better than a ‘Do Not Knock’ sticker. We don’t find our front door of much use either. I like the notion that perhaps when she is not around perhaps leaving her old coat on a hook nearby might be just as effective.

Assume you are yet to make progress on more mundane matters?

Expect that AirBNB would have delisted you as suitable for guest accommodation, based on a low rating from the lack of TV services, and night time noise levels.


I am surprised with TIO problems. Contacted them in April when ISP in question (now O/S owned… hmm) stopped internet and cut off phone …mainly because they were not bothering to read the emails I was sending them to ask how to change my credit card info after getting caught in a scam…‘just pay postage…’!! Then they have you details and whoopee! Bank advised me.
Had ISP debt collectors leaving messages on the phone and it was all getting rather nasty. Did not know what to do but found TIO on line. They had it sorted out in a day or so. Apologies from the ISP and all. The forms are quite long and I think it pays to explain things in detail so that they have plenty of information at hand. Have another go at it if the problem remains.

Try banana with possums but possibly best offered on a stick as those cute little hands come with long rather sharp claws which are handy for holding food items but not so good for holding hands.
I have rescued orphaned possums for years and I think word gets around…That is what worried me about the long thin visitors… always imagined them arriving with a basket held on with ribbons…
The best way to get to pat the possums is to see if you can get them onto a box or a ladder so they are easier to reach. Give them a piece of carrot cut into long thin strips and whilst they are eating it, very gently stroke their back, just once at first. They will probably practice their high jump efforts at first but next time they will have worked out that you are not going to hurt them and will be ok. Once again, word gets around and soon you will be ok with all of the gang. I have even lifted babies riding on mothers’ backs to dry them at times but this was after long periods of getting to know you patting.
Carrots are a favourite because they are sweet. My canine supervisory staff have to sample all food put out for possums, including rolled oats, shredded cocoanut, apples, carrots, bananas and almonds. Do NOT feed them lettuce as it is poisonous to lots of animals and birds… possibly even humans… I will be in trouble for that…

Miracles have made email problems a little more bearable at times recently because I have been able to watch ALL channels on certain selected days… no doubt when the satellite dish has not been in use. Rain continues to befuddle the 7 channels when it comes…but who cares! Rain, glorious rain!

Pythons seem much better in temperament than their Brown cousins, certainly much slower. Was horrified to see a ‘child’s’ (I think) python being held by a very long line of children in a photo from NT. Checked under the bed each night for months… Ugh!! Not nice to think about their cuddles either!
Browns can move several meters in a nano second…

Funny thing about AirBNB! Wondered what the problem was…


I think Solar panels a re a great way to reduce power costs but I will advice readers of my problem I had a Solar company sell & install Solar panels on my roof all was ok until an Autume rain storm caused the area under these installed panels to leak, this leak then damaged our lounge ceiling. I contacted the Solar company who sent a Technical person around to inspect I showed this Expert ? person where the leak was in the lounge ceiling he went on the roof but did not look in the correct place so he reported back & the Solar company refused any responsibility saying that the panels where done correctly it then took nearly two months to get the same expert technical person? To come back then show him once more the ceiling damage Then for me to yell at him that he was looking in the WRONG place He then removed a roof tile that had been cut &n replaced it by moving two others around The consumer protection are as good as useless in these situations

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Your post raises similar issues to those raised by others in this topic, to which it has been moved.

SolarQuotes has advice on how to respond to a roof leak due to installation. A greater issue will be if the leak has caused damage to the house internal linings, flooring, furniture or insulation. The cost for even a basic repair for wet plasterboard or ceiling lining is likely to be substantial.

Your home insurer is also worth contacting given your comments there is damage to the internal ceiling/roof space. Past experience is they will carry out an independent assessment. Insurance claims have a time limit, while there are obligations as a home owner to ensure actions are taken promptly to prevent further damage or loss which the insurer may refuse to cover.

Depending on the roof pitch and age of the home it may have sarking to guard against water leaks from a tile roof. If so there may be a further issue that needs a professional roofer/builder to resolve. One would expect the person sent by your installer was/is a qualified roofer with experience of roof tiling. Plus a trade electrician if they needed to remove panels for access? Worthwhile checking.

Our experience with roof leaks suggests it is critical to put your complaint and issue formally in writing to the supplier/installer. I’ve used the suppliers formal complaint procedure or requested format if they have one. Choice also provides guidance on how to make a complaint in accordance with Australian Consumer Law and your consumer guarantees.

Assuming the supplier is an accredited CEC installer one can also make a formal (additional) complaint directly to CEC. YMMV.

General advice of the CEC: Complaints about solar, storage or renewable energy systems | Clean Energy Council

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