Snoo Smart Sleeper bassinet review

This smart bassinet can automatically rock your baby to sleep (which almost made me think it should go into our smart homes discussion).

Find out whether we think it is worth the cost:

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“The Snoo’s rocking intensifies as its microphones detect your baby’s cries, then slows to a gentle wiggle as they settle, all accompanied by womb-like white noise – with the ultimate aim of everyone getting a better night’s sleep.”

This is a bit of worry as the child could be crying for a number or reasons…wet nappies, hungry, been bitten by an insect (mozzie, ants etc), is cold/hot or just because they have woken and are unsettled.

I expect that the following scenario will arise eventhough it is not supposed to replace for human care…at 2.00am, baby cries. Parents wake up and they say to each other…lucky we have the Smoo Smart Sleeper bassinet as we don’t need to get out of bed to see what it wrong. Baby continues to cry and after a while goes back to sleep (because of the rocking sensation?). One parent says to the other, the $1640 was well spent. The next morning the baby has severe nappy rash or their paediatrician on their next visit indicates that they need to feed the little one more because it is tracking below weight.

It may be smart but I am not sure that it is very bright.


… or it was bitten by a gwardar …


Two chances based on raising our three.

first Reality - one parent wakes up.
second Reality - being the maternal and worrying type becomes anxious and can’t go back to sleep.
third Reality - gets up anyway just to check on the baby.
fourth Reality - even sleep deprived we see our own babies as cute bundles desperately in need of a cuddle.
next Reality - second parent wakes up refreshed at dawn to find first parent half asleep in rocking chair with baby in arms.
alternate Reality - maternal parent on hearing baby cry rolls second parent out of bed and demands a good nights sleep.

All babies cry for a reason.
Did we just add another one?

In baby speak, says every time I wake up this bassinet starts shaking the poo out of me, get me the ‘smoo’ Out of here!!!