Secrecy, privacy, security, intrusion

Thanks for the heads up I had forgotten to change the privacy settings on my new phone so Google had been tracking me. Fixed that now. I am quite interested in the newish “Faraday” cage travel pouches on offer they seem to cover all the bases. 5 Best RF Blocking Bags, Faraday Bags and EMF Protection Pouches


I would really want independent scientific proof that they work. If one does some internet searches, testing has been done by some laypeople and indications are some have limited benefit and others can’t fully provide the level of protection claimed on EMF conspiracy websites. Others may work with one or two different radio frequencies.

I suspect that websites like emfacademy won’t be providing independent scientific test results, as they don’t believe independent scientific information relating to EMF.

1 Like

So after the Panama Papers 2016 nothing to see here. Australia’s Beneficial Owners Register is still voluntary information. I think Transparency International Report shows how we put a nicely worded definition into place then refused the oversight required to give it teeth. But hey another round of Robodebt to prop up coffers and catch ‘criminals’ and we will all be safe.


Great scores aren’t they :wink:


Unfortunately this is what Australia has voted for time and again, and what Australia probably will continue to vote for time and again. From money laundering to licensed but dodgy tradies to defective buildings to unsafe goods to name it. However we can be comforted that government does allow the aggrieved end victim/end user to sue in a court of law as its preferred solution since even the few toothless regulators determinations are not otherwise binding - unless the guilty is willing and cooperative.


No cynicism there at all that I could read @PhilT :laughing: We are duped by ourselves yet we want what we have duped ourselves out of… Voting for Turkeys only get us turkeys, if we want honesty we must have laws that support honesty, if we want financiers to be good well that’s probably a no hoper.


FinCEN discussion might be better here: Banking, insurance and finance news


The monolithic omni-intrusive government coming a step closer …


I think it is entirely appropriate that these notifications (SARs) are kept “secret” - as much as I dislike government secrecy.

A bank is expressing suspicion and suspicion is not guilt. Neither the bank nor the investigating authority is “judge, jury and executioner”. Guilt is only established if the investigating authority takes the matter to court and a court’s judgement is that an illegal transaction has occurred.

Noone should have his or her reputation tarnished on the basis of suspicion. (I know society routinely violates that.)

In this case the interests of government transparency conflict with the legitimate expectation of bank customer privacy.

It is interesting that this leak has occurred - probably should be filed under “Data Breach” as well - and I wonder who leaked and what the motivation was. I would guess that the motivation was frustration inside government that all these notifications of suspicious transactions are being sent to government but the government isn’t doing anything about it.

It is a valid complaint that these notifications are being centralised within the US. A bit of data trafficking going on by the Australian government. Presumably whatever privacy laws exist in Australia, the government has given itself an exemption, to traffic the data on the mere basis of suspicion.

How the game keeper becomes a poacher …

I keep having the Choice Community display “Not secure” in the URL bar until I hit the refresh button, after which it displays the padlock icon.

This is happening several times daily.

Is anyone else experiencing this or know why it is occuring?

Obviously the investigation really didn’t impact these individuals for at least some amount of time, if even investigations and charges have ever been made and laid.

Did Fin Institutions really carry out due diligence or was the call of the profit taking too strong to ignore, from some of reporting it seems that due diligence was not undertaken. Money known to have been pilfered was sent on in one case to help fund a movie, clearly the Financial Organisation knew of it but failed to properly respond. Some might say it isn’t their business to do so but acting to facilitate fraud is a criminal offence so they do have a duty to report, question and if needed hold the funds until the proper policing authorities take control.

But obviously they are given free rein to do as they please and all the dirty secrets do not become aired until someone gets fed up enough to blow the whistle.


That’s why there are two topics for this.

Governments are evil - this topic.
Banks are evil - Banking, insurance and finance news

If your priority is privacy and secrecy and intrusion then clearly you don’t want the bank reporting the transaction, much less (unilaterally / extrajudicially) blocking it. That’s just overreach, and a further erosion of an individual’s rights. Whether the bank makes a profit on the transaction doesn’t come into it. It’s my money and my transaction - and the bank should do what it is told. The customer is always right.

Which rights? One very precise definition of private and public ends at the front gate of land you own and occupy. If all service providers are exempt, and it’s none of their business, are there other exceptions?

Try asking a plumber to install a replacement grey water trench or system. Whether you tell the local council or not it’s your land and your business. Except the plumber likely will refuse because it’s his license and your actions that are both at risk. Not in this instance.

If a bank is asked to process a transaction that is suspect, why should it proceed if there is a risk the transaction is fraudulent or potentially illegal. It appears the same as asking a plumber to build a new trench. What you do with it is none of his or anyone else’s business. He takes the money and moves on.

I can appreciate that some would like to leave the banking system as is. Free to move doubtful amounts of cash. Happy to for the same standard to apply to my back yard. Those desiring you remove that last backyard tree despite council rules might also agree.

If there is any doubt, I’m in favour of freezing certain transactions until such time they can be properly assessed. And that’s the job of the bank, just as the local plumber will not dig a new trench without council approval or the arborist remove that tree without first checking compliance with state and council regulations. It’s not really about privacy, or is it?


So I lose out on that lucrative international deal because my payment was held up? I have always tended to side with ‘innocent until proven guilty’, and ‘better 100 guilty men be freed than one innocent man jailed’.

We have seen the results of requiring people to prove their innocence, whether with robodebts or with ‘proceeds of crime’.

Yesterday I had 2 downloads mysteriously appear on our PC followed by another 1 today.

All are Text Documents which open with Notepad.

Below is the text from the one that appeared today.

“if (!window.mraid) {document.write(’\x3cdiv id=“ad_unit”\x3e’);}if (!window.mraid) {document.write(’\x3c/div\x3e’);}(function() {var avDiv = document.getElementById(“DfaVisibilityIdentifier_1419038108”);var avMarkup = {‘active_view_class_name’: ‘GoogleActiveViewElement’,‘data-google-av-cxn’: ‘\x3dAKAOjsugq8lfHLWs5US5Q-_56ENj8frlOCD9z734DIebYmCJ1DBKbhozDbZYipyLwQbIw0tC7ZFeAP0Vi-0Prl3hMSqoxvGA_Jxqdg\x26sig\x3dCg0ArKJSzIfdFZl3uEHbEAE’,'data-google-av-adk’: ‘0’,‘data-google-av-metadata’: ‘rxlist\x3d1\x26la\x3d0\x26’,‘data-google-av-override’: ‘-1’,‘data-google-av-immediate’: ‘true’,‘data-google-av-aid’: ‘0’,‘data-google-av-naid’: ‘1’,‘data-google-av-slift’: ‘’,‘data-google-av-cpmav’: ‘’,‘data-google-av-btr’: ‘’,‘data-google-av-itpl’: ‘32’,‘data-google-av-rs’: ‘6’,‘data-google-av-dm’:‘2’};if (avDiv) {for (var key in avMarkup) {if (avMarkup.hasOwnProperty(key)) {avDiv.setAttribute(key, avMarkup[key]);}}}})();(function() {var glidar = document.createElement(‘script’);glidar.type = 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‘false’});var gsodar = document.createElement(‘script’);gsodar.type = ‘text/javascript’;gsodar.async = true;gsodar.src = ‘//’;var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(gsodar, s);})();”

Does anyone know what this is all about?

Looks like some push ad from Google and your browser can’t handle the content, hence puts it in a txt file. All that gobbledgook is base 64 format. Search on “googlesyndication” for some ideas.
Edit: this could also something to do with Google’s social distancing app called SODAR and this is an invite to download it on a mobile device.


My property rights. It’s my money. By preventing me from transacting with it, they are effectively depriving me of the use of the money, and hence of the money itself.

Would that stand up in court? Doesn’t matter at all because the government doesn’t have to care at all.

Because of the presumption of innocence. Because of the right to due process. By accepting the idea that the bank unilaterally blocks the transaction, you are allowing the bank to be judge, jury and executioner.

If the bank thinks it may be a dodgy transaction then use the existing process to notify the government of its suspicions (SAR). If the government shares those suspicions then apply to a court to block further transactions / seize assets pending further investigation.

1 Like

No, but I would suggest that you obfuscate it somewhat as it may contain personally identifiable information. (This warning is probably way too late - I don’t know what robots.txt CHOICE has applied to the community but a quick Internet search implies that search engines are actively indexing the community’s content.)

It may well be related to Google’s Sodar app, but the main content seems to contain way too much obfuscation for a simple ad. I am not an expert, but if you share my level of paranoia you would terminate with extreme prejudice, followed by a complete system AV scan and anti-malware scan (e.g. Malwarebytes free).

What you don’t say is where the downloads appeared - whether in your standard downloads folder or elsewhere. These could be drive-by downloads from an ad on a website you visited - which may be bad.


I ran Windows Defender in Full Scan mode today which stated no problems.

They appeared in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Australians do not have a Bill of Rights so we do not specifically have a “Right of Due Process”. There are some Treaties and Chapter III of the Constitution that give some protections and the High Court has often sided with a outcome that provides some element of due process.

A good summary of why we might need a Bill of Rights can be found at the " International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation"


Australia is the only liberal democratic country which does not have any bill of rights. In the absence of such bill of rights, chapter III of the Australian Constitution plays a very important role in safeguarding peoples’ rights and liberties.[16] In Australia, it depends on representative and responsible government and common law safeguard against arbitrary action of executive. Chapter III the Australian Constitution deals with judiciary branch of the government and through many pronouncements, the High Court of Australia has ensured separation of power and whereby the independence of judiciary to provide protection to citizen against the arbitrary and harsh actions of other two branches. Independence of judiciary gives power to high court to apply law equally and objectively and works as check and balance on the government’s power to make law. In a way we can say that chapter III has given an implied bill of rights specially implied fair process.[17] In many cases the court has followed the principles of Magna Carta. In the case of Chu Kheng Lim v Minister for Immigration[18] the court held punitive detention falls outside the bounds of executive power and such order can only be made after following a fair procedure of criminal trial.

In the case of Al-Kateb v Godwin[19], the Court held that administrative detention of non-citizens on not legitimate purpose or on arbitrary grounds could not be done in any case. In many other cases the High Court of Australia has recognized procedural fairness is essential feature of courts and hence, cannot be compromised without risking its constitutional validity. Further the court interpreted Chapter III to safeguard right to seek judicial review of legality of the executive decision.

However, the question arises whether such implicit protection is enough to protect the most fundamental right of a person? Whether in the absence of bill of rights, Chapter III guarantees no arbitrary action of administrative to curtail rights and liberties of a person? Unfortunately the answer is no, there are plenty of cases which shows urgent need of incorporation of right to life, liberty and other basic right in the Constitution to actually safeguard people from arbitrary actions of administrative and provide remedies against such actions. In recent cases, the court held that it is not necessary that rights, liberties, fairness are relevant to Chapter III validity. In the case of Kuczborski v Qld[20], the High Court held that a law may result into harsh outcomes even disproportionate sometime but it does not make the law itself constitutionally invalid. Such pronouncements do not lay down laws consistent with provisions of Magna Carta. In some of the case the court recognizes the importance of judicial process to be followed in order to take away liberty of a person and the same is proportionate to the crime done by him. However, on the contrary, there are decisions being passed, where the proceedings and laws taking away the liberties disproportionately was done, under Chapter III where due process implication of Chapter III only played dormant role.[21]"

Again we do not specifically have a presumption of innocence, many cases support this but a Law can be established that entitles a Govt to treat an individual; as guilty until proven innocent (anti terrorism laws are such that a person can be imprisoned without trial or arrest). What Chapter III gives us is a separation of the Judiciary from the Executive. The High Court as noted above has held that such a Law is not unconstitutional and is a valid Law, the same can be said of Debt Recovery by Govt Departments where the payment must be rendered but then you can undertake a legal process to argue the merits. THE ALRC has some more to say on this presumption of innocence:

Then we get to property rights, if you are a “landowner” under the Torrens Title system then State Govts can enact Laws that remove that property from you without you receiving fair compensation. This under the Constitution for Federal acquisitions means that if the land is acquired then fair compensation must be made but it can still be acquired.

If we are talking money or property many States and the Federal Govt have proceeds of crime legislation which means that money or property can be seized without going to Court and the “owner” needs to prove that such valuable item was not a proceed of crime to get it back…again no presumption of innocence.