Aged Care: Royal Commission and Beyond

The share price of some of the “for profit” aged “care” providers have already taken a hit as the Royal Commission is just getting started on exposing their disgraceful practices.

Why on earth did this country allow these bottom-feeding parasites to profit at the expense and dignity of our most elderly and vulnerable members of our community?

After most of our family, including my wife’s late mother, had done everything humanly possible for my wife’s late father, a decorated WWII veteran, he was admitted to a not-for-profit nursing home in Cairns where he spent his final months.

The care was exemplary, and my wife’s late mother visited him every day, and as my wife or I would take her there in the morning and pick her up in the afternoon, we witnessed first-hand how good it was.

I personally visited the nursing home after he passed away to thank the manager for their fantastic service, and gave her all of the leftover supplies and aids left at his home for the nursing home to utilise.

Nursing homes should only be operated by Government or not-for-profit organisations, both of which need to be fully accredited and regularly inspected.

If the shareholders of these sub-standard nursing homes are going to take a massive financial hit, instead of crying in their beer, perhaps they should reflect on the damage and suffering that their for-profit nursing home operators have caused the persons they were paid to support.