Riot Art Online (Riot Creativity P/L) & Direct Freight Express

Does that mean that the reversal is final, or still provisional? The merchant can dispute the chargeback but they have to put up a damn good case to their end of the card network system.

Unsure. Guess it’s provisional if card/banker says ‘…check a/c regularly for next 30days to monitor is Riot puts charge through again or appeals’? checking everyday! Have been getting ridiculous phishing text msgs & emails lately too! Definitely dodgy!

The time limit is 30 days on the Visa network for a merchant to dispute a chargeback. It is longer on MC, and shorter on Amex.

But, the merchant’s bank will have to agree that whatever explanation the seller comes up with is satisfactory, and convince your card issuing bank that the original payment should stand. So the money credited back to your account could be sent back the other way again. But your bank will inform you if that happens.

And that I would think is pretty tall order for a merchant unless they can absolutely prove that goods ordered were delivered to the indicated address.

Now, on the other hand, if the merchant were to try to charge you again to your card, that would be an unauthorised transaction. Inform your bank immediately.

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