Rice : What brand / type do you prefer to buy?

The 7 layers as supposed to spread the heat more evenly thus producing a more evenly cooked rice, it also helps avoid that sometimes over-cooked bit on the bottom of many other rice cookers. We don’t have one of them but our family friend from Taiwan uses one all the time.

She recommends also before putting the rice and water in, that to wipe the bowl inside with a bit of rice bran oil on a paper towel to make it less likely to stick to the sides.

Which Koshihikari brands do you buy out of interest? We enjoy the Sushi more with this type than with other short grains so would welcome your brand knowledge.

Dr Moseley had a program about rice and the way it is cooked, interestingly it is better for arsenic content to boil it in a lot more more water than needed (5:1) but best of all is to pre-soak it as well before boiling it in 5:1 ratio of water to rice.