Receipts no longer showing discount price

Has anyone else noticed that Woolworths no longer displays the exact sale price on your docket? There’s just a # symbol next to the product, suggesting a discount and a sum of all savings at the end of the receipt. So, I can’t readily check if my sale items have gone thru at correct prices.

The Woolworths dockets show the price paid for the item. Those which are on ‘sale’ are marked on the left with a ^. Those marked with ^ are the ‘on sale’ or discounted price. Woolworths calls it the ‘^Promotional Price’ on the docket.

Part of their marketing, the docket shows ‘You saved $X.XX’ or ‘Total Savings $X.XX’ at the end of the tax invoice part of the docket. This is to ensure the customer sees clearly what they have ‘saved’ and serves no real purpose.

In Australia, tax invoices show the price paid for the item (and amount of GST paid). Woolworths complies with this requirement.

The # to the left of the item in the list shows GST applies to the item (‘#Taxable Items’ is the term used on the docket), not that the item is on ‘sale’ or a discounted price. The total GST paid is also presented to the right of ‘TOTAL includes GST’.

Edit: This is an example of the current dockets/Tax Invoices with irrelevant information removed:



Ever since Covid struck, my local Woolies has been increasingly prone to charging the full price for items that are on sale.

When I draw this to their attention – and I stopped doing this during Covid when I sympathised with the nightmare the epidemic was visiting upon them – they are full of apologies for what staff shortages have reduced them to in terms of keeping their computer system up-to-date (not to mention putting the yellow flags on the products to show the sale price), but where pre-Covid they would have given me twice my money back, now they will often not even give me the item for free, but rather just give me a refund for the extra amount I was charged.

So if you are seeing the full price rather than the sale price on your docket (with or without the # symbol, which as phb says is just an indication that the item is subject to 10% GST), you have been overcharged, and you need to front the service desk in your store with the docket and the catalogue (or printout/phonescreen from the Interwebs) showing the price that should have been charged. Good luck getting more than the overcharge back!