Quote removed after posting

I just got a system message saying it had removed the quote at the head of my reply. My reason for including it was for context as now there is no clue what specifically my reply relates to, it is just a general reply to the whole thread.

Replies are sorted in date/time order so my reply to a specific post will not necessarily appear straight after it. When replying to a specific point, the answer to a question perhaps, what is the correct way to provide context so that the reader does not have to skim back through the thread to guess what you are referring to?

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Maybe check the reply in question as it may quote a post which is inappropriate/off topic and therefore also may need to be removed.


Previously, I noticed that Discourse (the forum software) would leave quotes even if the original comment has been deleted. So, if a comment has been removed due to breach of guidelines (offensive content etc), the old Discourse would still display the unwanted content in quotes and replies (unless we go through manually and delete them, which around here we would).

It seems the new Discourse which we recently added has also changed this feature. Of course, if you still have a point to make and the context is relevant and not against the rules, you’re welcome to do so. Also apologies if the deletion of the quote caused any frustration, we try to action any flags and unwanted posts quickly to avoid people wasting time but sometimes we might miss something or fail to get there quickly enough.

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TTBOMK neither the message quoted nor my reply had any problems. The original is still there in the white powder on bananas thread:

“Because i am interested in being healthy and minimizing health issues as i get older. Its amazing what you uncover when your interested in being healthy”

The forum software seemed to think that quoting the whole reply was the issue.


I see, I think I misunderstood the issue then. I’ll investigate and see if there is anything we can do to allow people to perform this action.

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