Plain soap bar with concave underside?

Thanks for the suggestions vombatis, but my experience does not line up with your first sentence.

I have had in my possession a soap bar that performed exactly as I would hope. It kept its shape until it was finished, stayed high above my beautiful soap dish until it was tiny, lasted for ages, dried rapidly without getting gluggy, didn’t disintegrate, didn’t smell of perfume, cleaned well, and didn’t irritate my skin.

My challenge is that I was not the person who bought or unpacked the perfect soap bar, and I don’t know the brand. If and when I find the soap brand that performs similarly, I will be very happy.

Thanks to everyone helping me (Prince Charming) to find the right soap brand (Cinderella)!


Thanks meltam, glad this squiggy soap suggestion works for you!

Finding the right soap for me is the reason I started this thread - very grateful for all the answers.


As you already know what you want, your solution would be to get in touch with the person who bought or unpacked the ‘perfect soap bar’ and ask them? :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Gaby. Thanks, I have tried a number of sensible and obvious options that are open to me. I’m very grateful to fellow choice community members who have recommended soap brands that they think may have the specific properties I am after.

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That seems like the description of a soap made in heaven :joy:

Community members may be suggesting soap brands and then you might go out and buy them and make the shop owners rich until you find one like the one you’re looking for.
It’s got the making of a Don Quixote play, going on a Quest to find the Impossible Dream… :joy::rofl:


You simply need to search on line and purchase a couple of magnetic soap holders. They come with a metal disc which you push into the top of the soap, and a bracket (either plastic or metal) with an adhesive pad which you can stick on the wall of the shower or above the handbasin. Some are quite attractive and only cost a few dollars, and the soap dries out almost immediately after use. I’ve no idea why they are so hard to find in bathroom shops in Australia. I sent one to Bunnings once, suggesting they got some in, but didn’t get an acknowledgement, let alone the soap hanger back. The last 4 I bought on line came from Melbourne, but the store doesn’t seem to keep them any more.


I should have added that the bracket contains a magnet, which connects with the metal disc on the soap.


Seems to me that the first little sliver of soap which gets squeezed into the hole of the new bar of soap gets to live a thousand lives as it never gets used but just pushed into the hole of the next new bar of soap? :laughing::joy:


I’m afraid that I wouldn’t be comfortable using a bar of soap which needs a metal part pushed into it. I can understand the hesitation of stores to offer those soap holders for sale :slightly_smiling_face:


Well I’ve used them for 30 years and am 87. Can’t see what the problem could be.


Thanks for the suggestion, Marmot!

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It’s a great idea for keeping the bar of soap dry. But my problem would be rubbing a metal disc against my skin while using the soap? :grimacing:
Or do you take the disc out when using the soap? In that case wouldn’t it damage the bar of soap which we are trying to preserve?


The disc is smooth. It sits flush with the top of the soap. You don’t necessarily rub the disc against your skin because it’s on the top of the soap. But even if you do, you don’t notice it. I’m sure it’s the perfect solution for you.


I think Dove soap is the shape you need Spicemamma. Also the old fashioned Pears soap (an amber colour, oval shape) if it is still made may also meet your requirements.


there are plenty good soap dishes that allow the suds water to drain as they have holes in them.

Most are made from treated wood.

Castile soap might be what you want but have an allergy test done to see what you are allergic to.

they have a large range and ingredients are listed

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Thank you so much, Karen - this is super helpful. I have purchased some of the Dove Sensitive Beauty Cream Bar and will be starting it soon. There have been a couple of other thoughtfully recommended brands that I can also try if the Dove doesn’t work out.

Really appreciate you taking the time to read my original question and answer it!.


I use the Dove “sensitive” beauty cream bar. It has a concave side.


I did a very quick Google search. Tilley make a Natural Goat’s milk soap that has a concave bottom but be sure you select the right one. They have more than one Goat’s milk soap.

Cetaphil also make a soap bar with a slightly concave bottom. It seems to be available at pharmacies. I’m not sure how strong the fragrance is but the reviewers seem to like it.


We have been using Dove for a lot of years :grin: It doesn’t loose it’s concave shape and has the added advantage of lathering in bore water (as well as lovely clean rain water). Definitely worth a try!


Velvet also has a concave bottom and a convex top. Available in supermarkets and is unscented.