Pillow recommendation?

Hi all,

Does anyone have any pillow recommendation for a side sleeper who sometimes sleeps a bit twisted too (as in stomach)? I am a fairly tall person (over 190 cm).

A while back, I bought the emma foam pillow and found it to be a good height, but found it too hard (some something that is maybe a medium softness would be good.
The emma foam pillow was 90 cm by 40 cm, and it was a regular shaped pillow. I’m probbaly looking for something similar to this (just a bit softer).


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oh, i’m very interested… is one’s height important when choosing a pillow?

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Maybe it is more to do with shoulder width that might be worth considering if you sleep on your side. Some sites recommend pillows based on height, but not sure if it is so much about this.

Importantly, I am just making my own inferences and could be totally wrong.


Hi Anton

Have you seen Choice’s article on how to buy the best pillow?

Pillow are in my opinion highly individual choices. The right pillow for you will be the one that feels right for you. The only way to find that pillow is to go out and try as many pillows as it takes to find what feels good for you. Go to the major chain stores, the bedding shops, and the linen shops that sell pillows and put your head on the pillow. This may have to be done standing, but you will get an idea of whether it is good or not.

Even if you find one that feels good, the pillow’s characteristics may change with time. The change may be for the better or for the worse.

The point is don’t rely on what others say. You have to research what feels best for you.


Thank Tamás. Good advice. Do your own research (directly). In the end you are the best expert for yourself.


Hi Anton, Not sure if you have already purchased but we’ll be releasing our testing results soon (a day or two, if not sooner). They might help a little.

Edited to include pillows product finder just gone live: https://www.choice.com.au/home-and-living/bedroom/pillows/review-and-compare/pillows



Be careful about memory foam pillows. You’re probably fine if you never had a neck injury… for me that did not work out so well. whiplash in 1971… bought a memory foam pillow in 2006… it was wonderful and I fell asleep right away… but then when I turned to my side, my head got stuck in the pillow, wrenched my neck, and I have had “issues” ever since. The original injury gave no problems after some months of physio.

I think the main consideration is not how tall you are but how long your neck is, and how wide your shoulders are. These days I think I would do better with no pillows at all, but I cannot lie flat. adjustable bed is needed.