Parcel delivery problems

In 1980’s in Central QLD ours still came on the mid-day Skennars long distance coach. The coach is long gone. Arrival of parcels and mail was always an unknown.

Progress, we can now track our parcels, reliability varies.

P.s.(edit note added)
It’s recognised that there are issues with international parcels deliveries due to reduced air freight capacity. Not in particular that passenger aircraft have in the past provided most of the capacity. (Spare cargo hold capacity at competitive rates.)

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I’m getting really frustrated with my Petcircle deliveries. Before the current situation I was able to get toby’s special SD food. I also order some ordinary but favoured wet food. The last order was “lost” by the courier, but now his special tucker is out of stock. So I got a refund on that but they have replaced the missing wet food. And its now been 10 days since that was supposed to be shipped, and delivered by the 3rd. Nope. Not happening. They used to be so reliable.

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