Online Retailer not delivering or communicating - any advice?

Middle of December I placed an order with an online Australian retailer, a small company that had an online presence for a few years already. Paid for with PayPal.
My order was straight away upgraded to ‘processing’ and that was the last I heard or seen of them, I enquired after Christmas by email and called them to leave a message as well, neither were answered or returned.
There is no indication on the website to say they are on holidays or that delays were expected.
I initiated a contact with PayPal and the minute I sent it I got a message from the retailer to say a refund had been issued (automated response?)
Except - it hasn’t.
Now what?

Hiya tia21der
As you have paid for the order through Paypal, you are fully protected.
All you need to do now is to notify Paypal of exactly what has occurred and what you have done about it.
Paypal will investigate your report on your behalf and once they discover the truth, will issue you with a full refund.
If you pay for your goods with Paypal, they will always guarantee that you will receive your goods as described. This is because Paypal guarantees and recommends businesses that use their payment method, and want to protect their Customers that choose Paypal.
It usually takes no more than 7 business days for them to investigate your claim.
I hope this helps and gives you some peace of mind.
Cheers Natalie :slight_smile:


You would be doing a community service if you tell the rest of us who the retailer is. You wouldn’t want anyone else being scammed would you?


thanks Natalie, I will escalate it to PayPal and let them handle the rest.

the retailer is


UPDATE : order received today.

very strange that no updates on order were made, no email or phone call were answered, then automated message that money has been refunded.

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Hiya tia21der thank you for keeping us all informed. I am so pleased that your order has finally been received! :slight_smile: I hope my information about Paypal has encouraged you to use this payment method again when you order anything online. It is the safest way to pay for goods and services and does give you a guarantee that you will get what you pay for or a full refund. I have been using Paypal for many years and have found them very helpful with any difficulties I have had over the years, and they are fast to investigate concerns and refund your money if necessary.

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