New telco releases cheapest unlimited phone plan?

Spotted this on the Canstar Blue site . Concerns Moose Mobile and the plans they offer . Worth a look .


@vax2000 Thank you Mike ! These Moose plans are certainly worth a look.

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I have been getting that from TPG for a few years now and at 1 cent cheaper ($14.99) nothing new to see here.

Is that a legacy plan ? Their $15 plan goes to $29.99 after 6 months.

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I Just had a look it must be a legacy plan, as it appears to be no longer available. I have had it for years.

It’s worth looking at Kogan too - they sometimes have great mobile bargains, especially if you can pay one year in advance as we did.

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@Phloesmum Good point it always pays to shop around and not limit yourself to any one consumer forum as often sampling a broader range of posts gives us a clearer view of services offered .

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