New Beginnings "Bamboo" Nursing Pads... not actually bamboo?

Let me start off by saying I am a new mum so I have tried just about every brand of every type of maternity product just to find the one that suits me and my baby the best. In my opinion, the New Beginnings “Bamboo” Nursing Pads item is the most misleading out of all the products I have gone through.

Firstly, they call the product BAMBOO nursing pads, but the actual bamboo portion is just this tiny rectangle.

They then allocate an entire side of the box listing down the benefits of bamboo.

  • They say it is “soft and silky with luxurious comfort” when the bamboo doesn’t even touch my skin.
  • They call it “highly absorbent” when the tiny amount of bamboo would not even be enough to absorb a bottlecap of liquid.

I think one of the worst ways they mislead is with how they brand it as an “environment-friendly” product. I would argue that they are actually more wasteful because they add in bamboo in the product when it actually doesn’t do anything. They also highlight the bamboo’s biodegradability when the pads are individually wrapped in plastic and none of the other materials are actually biodegradable.

I feel bad for the other mums out there that are looking to be more environment-conscious but are exploited by companies like these that use “going green” as nothing but a gimmick.


I doubt that even that small portion is bamboo. We have some threads that discuss Bamboo clothing/fabric and I have included links here to some of that content

Thank you for calling out the product.


I agree, especially the bamboo fabric which is processed with many dangerous chemicals into a synthetic fabric, with little or no resemblance to the original material!


This as well as most ‘bamboo’ marketed products deserve a shonky. Hopefully Choice seriously considers the award for such products this year to get the message out that the products may not be as environmentally friendly as portrayed in marketing material.

Awarding a shonky will possibly stimulate some hot debate amongst those who sell such products…but ‘bamboo’ fabric products claims needs a public shakeup as many are in fact synthetic rather than ‘natural eco-friendly fabrics’ (see the thread kindly posted by @grahroll above).