Mobile phone plans do they have to be a direct debit setup?

That PAYG is a different product than an ALDI Valupack type product ( $99 p.a. unlimited text and calls and 15GB of data for a year) and a different value proposition. Value? PAYG despite the seemingly high cost per call or per minute can be value for someone who spends very little per month.

We have a postpaid PAYG with amaysim (not offered in years and a priceless backup). We get a bill when the balance hits $10 or 3 months go by. It has saved us more than once when Telstra was ‘not there’. Typically 10 calls per month, rarely any data, and that $1.20 per month is not a bad expenditure. Would we use that as a primary service? With our low use it might be reasonable but we have ‘set and forget’ to our services.

It fully answered the question as to whether one can port their number, that is what I interpreted as the question. There are topics such as this one that discusses the plans.

That is also our experience. The account requires verification as a separate issue from getting/porting a number.