July 12 is Battle for Net Neutrality Day

On July 12, Amazon, Reddit, Mozilla, StartPage, BestVPN.com and many other internet companies are joining net neutrality activists for an “internet-wide day of action to save net neutrality.” The campaign is organized by the Fight for the Future (FFTF) digital rights advocacy group./
It is claimed that %80 ??? of worlwide internet traffic passes through US ISP’s… see link below

I might give them a help out on social media as if it happens in the US it will probably happen here eventually. A bit like " monkey see , monkey do "


PureVPN is also posted some info on Net Neutrality at https://www.purevpn.com/blog/net-neutrality-rules/
Check these news out before you buy vpn.

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If you really want a VPN that’s secure, don’t look at the dozens of different websites - go to https://thatoneprivacysite.net/ .