Incorrect Categories of User Reviews at

I was perusing the auto insurance reviews and use this as an example -

4 of the 7 user reviews are about Allianz travel insurance not Allianz auto insurance. Those 4 are dated from 2015-16 while the 3 relevant to auto insurance are 2018, which might be relevant to the webmasters in why they are linked where they are.

The latest travel insurance update was 2019, with Allianz having a ‘be the first to write a review’ notation but clicking on that takes one to one unfavourable review.

a) Shouldn’t Choice confirm user comments and thus their ratings are about the particular product or service they link to?

b) I previously suggested the format of the user reviews line in the line items list be improved. The line items list continues to use the form

0 members of the CHOICE community who reviewed this product would recommend it. Read what they say

although the Member Review box atop the member reviews list shows

0 of 7 members of the CHOICE community who reviewed this product would recommend it.

it would be better if that presentation were used in both places, and importantly all of the reviews were for that product or service. Also have a read of the text in the box. Compared to 41 other models? How it performs in the home? Chuckles when one just goes with standard templates.


Thanks for the feedback @PhilT, it really helps guide the improvements we aim to make. Unfortunately, there are a few issues with the comments section on the website and we’re doing our best to sort them out. In the meantime, I’ll see if there is a short term solution for this particular problem.