Hounded by nuisance callers?

Interesting reading here;

from the report to Minister
"Unsolicited communications
We have found that the unsolicited communications functions should not be referred to
industry, and the ACMA should retain its ability to outsource the DNCR, as per current
arrangements (findings 1–4).
The findings rely on evidence that:
> there is ongoing consumer concern about the impact and harms involved, with
consumers believing the government has a key role in their prevention
> there is limited industry support for deregulation
> there is no consensus about which industry group, if any, would take on oversight
of self-regulation of the functions
> alignment between the public and commercial interests involved is not strong, with
key stakeholders and ACMA compliance activities indicating the alignment is not
direct or extensive
> there is an ongoing need to underpin enforcement action with formal legal powers
> the international experience continues to indicate direct regulation is the preferred
model across comparable jurisdictions (with the ability to outsource operations of
do not call registers)."

The survey attached at bottom of linked page supports what most consumers know, the number of spam and scam calls is increasing. Most people believe scam callers are outside Aus so government has no control.

Somehow we need to get action on stopping calls originating from outside Australia pretending to be domestic, then at least we can choose to block filter. I understand industry doesn’t want this as they prefer their OS call centres can pretend to be in Aus. Seriously this is like just like a car owner changing their number plate to what ever they like for what ever reason.

Please Choice get serious about advocating enforcement of Calling Line ID. (election coming up)

Rant over, just had the Tax office call my mobile two days in a row from 2 different numbers!