Home Cleaning & Organising Tips

No but there are some that help you not worry about being unmotivated.

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:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Yeah a friend offered me some of that, but I declined, reluctantly :slight_smile:

A couple of articles regarding dishwasher tips.



Love that. I was about to sell my mini dishwasher because of this exact issue. Nothing ever dries properly. Thanks, Fred :slight_smile:


Glad if it helped you.

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Some more cleaning tips.

A tip for cleaning cutlery in the dishwasher.

A tip for cleaning pans.

A slideshow of things that can be cleaned in a dishwasher.

Wholly agree with this article. However, we have a big problem with a relative living in our home for the last 10 years while we lived overseas. We have returned home to a completely filled up house with her things - clothes, shoes, books, kitchen appliances, food in fridge and freezer - a typical mid 30s adult in the accumulating and buying age. We have got not much space for our things - 30 boxes being shipped back from overseas. We have had a few “talks” which often turned into her walking away! She said all their things still give her “joy”. We have given her until the end of the year to move out so we can declutter and put our house on the market and downsize to something smaller (like an apartment - something we will have to get used to) and more manageable at our age. Feeling very stressed out at the moment!

Hi @whichchoice, I have moved your post to an existing thread which covers home organising ideas and Choice’s 10 helpful hints.


An article warning regarding using bleach correctly.

This article isn’t quite right.

It states:

  • Once the date has passed, the bleach turns into sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)

The first point is degradation and potency of bleach changes slowly over time. It doesn’t all of a sudden degrade when it passes its expiry date. The expiry date is when the bleach solution when stored correctly still meets its active ingredient concentrations.

The second point is it does not degrade from storage into sodium hydroxide. This is an incorrect reading of the label and misunderstanding of basic chemistry. It degrades into salt (sodium chloride or NaCl) and oxygen gas or (O₂).

Sodium hydroxide is added to bleach to improve the sodium hypochlorite stability, it isn’t a by-product of bleach degradation.

You are very kind; It’s actually quite wrong in some respects. The chemistry is complex and depends on the conditions and impurities. You can get oxygen or chlorine as end products along with common salt but you don’t get sodium hydroxide. Added sodium hydroxide raises the pH which favours some reactions over others. So as you say the part about * Once the date has passed, the bleach turns into sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) is wrong.

The part that is right is that bleach doesn’t last forever and will degrade and become ineffective.

Professional cleaners may know about getting the best results from day to day but may not know the chemistry behind what they are doing.

Another sad example of the poor standard of science in reporting where a report is received and accepted at face value and soon everybody on the knows it is true.

A headline
You’re using it wrong: Professional cleaner’s serious warning about bleach that everyone needs to know
will get more clicks than
Experts say bleach becomes ineffective over time.

A shoe cleaning tip.