Hearing Aids

When I first ‘met with Costco’ an anecdotal story was about a very elderly man with his less elderly son. The son was a Costco audiology customer and the father was not. The father was happy to pay 3X because he was convinced paying more was always better. Both gents were happy with their choices.

One Costco audiologist is a lady who was a researcher with Cochlear and wanted to return to clinical work. Quality? Skill? I would think so. They are as qualified or better as any audiologist.

Implied fear of low prices leading to inferior service or outcomes is possibly a disservice to readers. It could equally be said to start low and if not satisfied work up, could it not? Another of my Costco stories that could be relevant is

I was in that queue. it took my wife 2 years to convince me I needed them :frowning:

FWIW it took me longer than that to convince her she needed them too :smiley: