Have your say about funerals in Australia

Probable not. Handling corpses requires qualifications that tend to only be held by people in the business. There is good public health reasons for this but sadly it also tends to support the way that funeral directors have a monopoly and get to charge like wounded bulls.


In some States this may be possible.

CHOICE article on DIY Funerals

There are a couple of topics on this site that also have some details


It is not only the cost of funerals, but also the cost of a solicitor to administer the will. It seems far too high, especially when it is a straight forward will with no contestants.


Another topic, somewhat related is


If you look in the yellow pages you’ll find about a dozen funeral options all at around $2,000 or less.

Looking online does not find most of these cheap offers.

Most people seem unaware that these options exist and end up paying huge amounts for funerals… then complaining about the cost? Has Choice pointed out that these cheap options exist? Nothing popped up when I went looking online?


I haven’t seen a yellow pages delivered for many years now.

How is it you seem to have one?

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YellowPages are still delivered - we got a local one about two months ago. If one doesn’t want one or wants to opt in to its delivery, go to:

I have seen in the past that some RSPs also have automatically opt you out of the Yellow/Whitepages delivery when you sign up to them.

There are still some within the community which rely on the hardcopy versions.


I rang Yellow Pages and asked for a phone book when I suspected there were details in it that you couldn’t find on-line… like funeral costs. Plus our old Yellow Pages was a bit dated and I wanted to be sure that the funeral costs hadn’t risen?

A lot of businesses still don’t have an online presence… or it’s hard to identify businesses in your local area if you use Google: Google often list businesses well outside your geographic area? The Yellow pages (paper version) lists many more businesses in your local area… and it’s easier to figure out where they are.

Yellow pages isn’t as useful as it used to be… but it’s useful for certain types of searches.

N.B. Online Yellow pages searches aren’t very useful. It’s almost like requesting a random listing of vaguely related businesses most of which aren’t in your local area? It’s often the related offers that appear in the print version of the Yellow pages that are so useful. For some reason most cheap funerals aren’t listed in online… but they are still appearing in the print version of the Yellow pages.


Every now an then a phone book turns up on our doorstep unannounced. I think a lot of people just throw them out?

However you can ring up and request one any time. They’re quite accommodating and drop one off quite quickly.


I have an issue about Funeral bonds. There isn’t a national funeral undertakers body (no pun intended) and therefore no register of prepaid funerals/bonds and so on. If the family of the deceased are not aware that a prepaid funeral has been arranged they might pay again for the funeral. There isn’t a register of places that have closed or changed their name.

Googling this finds there is a National group: Australian Funeral Directors’ Association but they have not replied to questions about this issue and there is no mention of this on their website.

Is this a National issue? Many seniors prepay funerals.


Hi @Margh, welcome to the community.

There are many things that aren’t kept in registers which may be need to be known about when an individual becomes incapacitated or dies. Another example is digital content which has been the subject of another thread within the community:

Ensuring that family members/beneficiaries of a will on one’s death are aware of all matters relating to individual is very important. Some things are identified through the advertising processes during probate, while others are up to the individual to resolve.

Possibly a good place may be to include a notation containing information attached to/stored with one’s will. This ensures that those who are dealing with one’s death are aware of the existence of a prepaid funeral agreement soon after death. It would be best to seek legal advice of how best one could include information about a prepaid funeral agreement in a will.

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