Has anyone have trouble getting monies owed to them from Flight Centre Ulladulla?

I had my flights refunded from Qatar Airlines for a return flight Sydney Oslo Sydney.
However not my internal Norwegian flights with SAS …Scandinavian Airlines.
I was told at the time my the FC Manager that my Covermore Insurance did not cover me for global pandamics, at the time I accepted this but thought it very strange.
2 years latter I discover CHOICE has had many complaints from Flight Centre customers not getting refunds.
So then I approached the same Manager of Ulladulla Flight Centre to explain why I did not get a refund ?
Foolishly she gave me a typed letter stating that Covermore had refunded me 75% of the fare.
Now I know I have not recieved such refund , so today I asked her to show me the date,nthe amount and which of my Banks the money was refunded to.
Her eye blink rate went off the Richter scale and she told me the money would have come directly from Covermore when I suggested that was not true she started laughing, the young staffer witnessing what was going on looked horrified…
Anyway thinking of running a small add for others who feel they may have monies owing to them to contact me on my email or mobile phone…if that does not work can take out a bigger add on a more Prominent page the following week…
I don’t believe I need a Solicitor at this stage, but if needs be.

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Welcome to the community. I was going to move your post to an existing topic which covers poor business practices during COVID, but thought that perhaps this should stand alone for a bit.

If you use the magnifying glass to search for Flight Centre, you will see the many posts involving complaints about them if you have not already done so.

Verbal communication is disputable. If you want resolution, it must be in writing.

If you search Choice.com.au for letter of complaint, you should find a template for a letter. Detail your complaint dispassionately with the facts. If you have the letter from Covermore, attach a copy of the letter.

Ask why after two years they have not passed the refund on to you. Ask for the outstanding monies to be paid to you within five business days.

If the money is not forthcoming, go to your state Fair Trading/Consumer Affairs Office with your correspondence. They won’t do much, but it is the next step. You can also lodge a complaint with the ACCC. They won’t do anything, except add your complaint to the pile they may already have.

Hope that helps. Keep us updated.

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