Google Play Store

I’ve used Google Play Store to buy phone apps for my Samsung devices for years, but suddenly it refuses to let me pay for additional features like the Ad Free option. The humble little Weather Zone app is now full of advertising pop-ups. Google says my account has been suspended because I haven’t fully authenticated it with government issued IDs. Has any of you encountered this? I’m not selling apps; I’m buying them, so why is Google demanding that? My credit card is still valid, and together with my phone number it already allows my identity to be checked should Google so wish. I’m reluctant to upload my identity documents to Google as demanded because I operate on the basis that the less information about me goes to a third party the more secure my identity remains. I haven’t bought any new apps since.


I’ve seen Google ask for ID verification for certain Play Store purchases when they want to verify your age. Could that have been the trigger in your case ?


Age verification seems to be the trigger. See:

The other reason is if one uses Google Pay, this is seen as a financial institution in Australia and Google will ask for verification no differently to other financial institutions such as banks, credit card companies etc.


No. The purchase in question was just a renewal of the Weather Zone add-free option, which had been in place for years. It is not an age-sensitive app. In January this year I suddenly got the message from Google that I could not renew my add-free option because my identity hadn’t been verified.

It will be because of the other reason outlined in my earlier email. As you have entered credit card details into Google, it will be using it’s Google Pay service to make payments.