Fisher and Paykel appliances - the bad and the good

Most companies that produce home appliances now, be it whitegoods or other items, are manufactured with “built-in obsolescence”. For their profit margins it makes no sense to sell a product that lasts for 20 years without needing to be replaced, they want you to purchase a new model every few years to keep the money ticking over. There are exceptions to this out there but you’ll find you will be paying through the nose for the longevity, Wolf kitchen products from the USA are a prime example. Built to last but can pay almost $20k for a freestanding cooker - they are based on commercial kitchen products though so will take a beating before packing it in lol.
Our choices when buying whitegoods or other home items now are limited - you basically have to buy at average price knowing you will be replacing it every few years, or do research and pay premium for a brand that will last up to a decade or more.