Fed up with apps for everything

Is anyone else fed up with the request to install an app to use a service or get some benefits?
Now Flybuys only offers fuel discounts only via its app. I don’t want to use another app! I use the card why should I have to download an app?
I also don’t want to go to a restaurant and have to order via an app or via their website and fill in all my details and email etc. And they have the audacity to suggest adding a tip!
Medibank pushes you to install their app to use another discount they’re promoting via email.
I’m just fed up, it takes time and mobile space not to mention the privacy issues.


Welcome to the community @Blancanieves.

As convenient as they may seem, we are left to ask who these apps serve best. Can they all be trusted?


Yes it is annoying.

My banks pester me to install their apps. My supermarket. Radio stations. News outlets. And others.

The list of apps installed on my smart phone prompted by service suppliers: zero.
On my tablet: zero
On my Windows laptop: zero.

I do just fine using Internet Web browser applications only. And physical cards.



Wherever possible I just don’t. However when it’s government, it either is unavoidable today or could easily become unavoidable in the near future.

I just tell most places that I don’t have a mobile phone. (That obviously doesn’t work with the mobile service provider for my mobile phone. :slight_smile:)

Indeed. “mobile space” also reflects two different things:

  • storage space on the phone
  • screen space - which ultimately affects usability of the device

I get annoyed with companies with apps they insist you use, but don’t work. They may have fixed it, but Elgas was one. I ordered using the app, and when nothing appeared on the website as ordered or pending, or email, I ended up talking to the local depot who said to just give them a call, the app does not work.

Suncorp was another that never worked.

FlyBonza is another app that doesn’t do much. If you enquire they tell you to download it, but there are no timetables or prices. Just a “book your flight now”. No good for planning.


That is a good question, and the answer is … we don’t know! There’s usually very little information given about the app itself, such as why it needs all the permissions it asks for.

There certainly would be a lot of this type of app that cannot be trusted. If nothing else, they’ll be tracking your online activities - and your physical movements, too, if you’ve let them have Location permission when they demand it.


Another option for absolutely persistent web sites that will not move forward without a mobile phone number: Phone numbers for use in TV shows, films and creative works | ACMA (This is the equivalent of a “555” number in the North American phone numbering scheme.)

This is a two-edged sword of course. It is important to understand the implications.


You can contact Flybuys (phone number on their website) and have the printed fuel discount restored to your shopping docket. I have a “dumb” phone and had to get this sorted recently. It worked. :slight_smile:

In other places where I’m pushed to install apps I offer them my phone and tell them "if you can make my phone accept an app, you’re free to try :wink: "


Nice to know. We used a Shell a few days back. First time in …. who knows how long. We don’t have a local Coles, and the Shell down the road was always very expensive compared with the Woolies or Puma.

The Woolies discount card is all one needs to get their fuel discount. How long before Woolies go the same way with their App?

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The shell service stations around here also more expensive, the one app I find useful is the petrol spy one.
The Emergency services one and some travel ones when overseas. I am annoyed that the banks offer accounts with greater interest but only on the app. I want to do my banking on my pc with a bigger screen and where I have more control over the spam. I am very happy with the cards for everything else.


You say “apps”; I hear “spyware”.

If you pay for the “app” via a subscription or license fee, it’s reasonable to expect that the provider’s not making its / their money on the side from your data. If it’s “free”, you probably pay with your soul, and you’ve become a data farm.

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Farm animal - produce or livestock? :joy:

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Egg laying chook, probably. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Unless for a bank, medical place or somewhere thats essential, I now use the rejection line. I frequently do NOT want to give a phone number, where I am happy to give an email address, so any companies not respecting my request for email only contact will be sent to https://www.rejectionline.com.au/ (0406 650 430)