Favourite products replaced with home brand

Hi everyone - have you had a favourite grocery product get replaced by the supermarket’s own copy?

Major retailers such as Coles have previously dedicated themselves to expanding their home brand range. With limited shelf space in any given store, we want to know if this has resulted in flagship or manufacturer-branded products being phased out and replaced with own brand clones.

Has this happened to a favourite product of yours? Let us know if you’ve seen a particular home brand product come to replace a manufacturer’s own item.


Possibly a work in progress by Woolworths. Two examples.

The Maleny brand milk (SE Qld) in some stores is no longer kept in the milk fridges with the double glass insulated doors. It’s been displaced by home brand. The Maleny product may still be sold - found in the open fridge section alongside or near to the almond and some of the other alternate milk products. Perhaps not the best for temperature control?

The water crackers available have included Carrs, Captains Table, Arnotts??, Woolworths home brand. On the shelf one brand seems to be the easiest to spot because it occupies the greater space.

One seems to need to search more often for a select brand vs what Woolies might suggest is the most popular choice - its home brand. In some categories though the premium big brands still have prime spot. Twinings Teas, Heinz Beans, John West tinned fish products.

Of the mentioned brands/products, milk is the only one where we currently have a decided preference. The others are observations from the sections we purchase from routinely. To note our choice in tea bags is Tetley (India). Not the only value choice, it has a small lower shelf space in our nearest Woolworths. Not yet a product category in which Woolworths has taken up the home brand challenge.

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