Electric and Alternative Vehicle Fuels

What’s the turning point for current BEV technology? It’s often quoted to be a reduction in battery costs to less than US$100 per kWh of storage capacity. Tesla’s latest is not based on break through battery technology. It is simply leveraging improvements in manufacturing to bring down costs.

As an alternative research on improving lithium battery technology has not let up. One more prospect for step change in cost or capacity, and one more possible solution to producing reliable and cost effective higher capacity lithium sulphur batteries.


With lithium battery technology suffering supply chain risks, manufacturers are keen to supply alternatives.

CATL is the worlds largest EV lithium battery manufacturer.


With NASA on the job the probability just stepped up a few notches.

A solid-state sulphur-selenium battery is cool to the touch and doesn’t catch fire. It has a slimmer profile than lithium-ion batteries and has better energy storage. It can take a beating and still operate, often in less than ideal conditions.


Linked from the topic Would you buy an electric vehicle - Why or why not?

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Hi all,

As this thread has become fairly long and varied over time, we’ve decided to close it down. Recent discussions have been moved to new threads, and for discussions regarding electric vehicles, you may want to see this thread.

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