Discourse: Refusing to allow Safari to access

Just not sure why this is happening. I’m using Firefox to post this because Discourse keeps telling me my browser is not supported, and yet there are three more sites I access which use Discourse and I do not have this issue on there.

Macbook Pro 2012, Mojave, Safari 14.1.something

Has there been an update? Help!

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Well, no problem dectected here using Chrome.

But who knows. Overnight changes?

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Maybe it was a Discourse update that’s started blocking older browsers? The current version of Safari on MacOS is 17.2.

You might check whether you’ve got your Safari emulating Internet Explorer, which was finally abandoned by MS not long ago and is possibly being blocked by websites now. An overnight change in Discourse might have introduced that.


Discourse is supported on Safari, but only the latest version. It is likely that Safari on your device needs updating to the current available version:

and it is worth checking your OS is also the current version as well:


Likely because older browser… i’ve never done an IE emulation

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Looks like its going to be Firefox because my MBP is OLD and I can only upgrade via OCLP and I don’t feel confident with that.


Update: As if by magic, Safari is now working for this Discourse. YAY! I don’t mind firefox but my preference is Safari.