Credit due - Choice?

Is it just me but co incidental to Choices dob in a supermarket scenario but has the rate of mis pricing, wrong pricing, no pricing, deceptive pricing at wooliecoles etc declined significantly?!

In my part of coastal NSW the produce to price to shelving disciplines ( nice n neat) has improved. Its like all shiny school shoes - polished to impress. ( ok a little cynical)

But today at Woolworths Bayswood ( jervis bay nsw) a very large 1/2 price on numerous dog food treat packs had no individual prices on specific sized packs and, yip, half price was only 40%off… but a floor manager was on my back with an anxious “where, when, how” anxiety running down an isle with " not on my watch" in his eyes. ( i declared the cynicism)

BUT i call that a positve difference- this week!!!